R277-515-6. Professional Educator Conduct  

Latest version.
  •   (1) A professional educator exhibits integrity and honesty in relationships with an LEA administrator or personnel.

      (2)(a) Failure to adhere to this Subsection (2) may result in licensing discipline in accordance with Rule R277-215.

      (b) A penalty shall be imposed most readily, if an educator has received a previous documented warning from the educator's employer.

      (c) The professional educator:

      (i) shall communicate professionally and with civility with a colleague, school and community specialist, administrator, and other personnel;

      (ii) shall maintain a professional and appropriate relationship and demeanor with a student, colleague, school community member, and parent;

      (iii) may not promote a personal opinion, personal issue, or political position as part of the instructional process in a manner inconsistent with law;

      (iv) shall express a personal opinion professionally and responsibly in the community served by the school;

      (v) shall comply with an LEA policy, supervisory directive, and generally-accepted professional standard regarding appropriate dress and grooming at school and at a school-related event;

      (vi) shall work diligently to improve the educator's own professional understanding, judgment, and expertise;

      (vii) shall honor all contracts for a professional service;

      (viii) shall perform all services required or directed by the educator's contract with the LEA with professionalism consistent with LEA policy and rule; and

      (ix) shall recruit another educator for employment in another position only within a LEA timeline and guideline.