R380-300-3. Definitions  

Latest version.
  •   Terms used in this rule are defined in Title 26, Chapter 1. In addition:

      (1) "Current Employee" means all staff, contracted employees, and volunteers who:

      (a) have access to protected health information or personal identifying information;

      (b) have direct contact with patients, children, or vulnerable adults as defined in Section 62A-2-120;

      (c) work in areas of privacy and data security;

      (d) handle financial information, including receipt of funds, reviewing invoices, making payments, and other types of financial information; or

      (e) perform audit functions, whether internal or external, on behalf of the department.

      (2) "Employee" means a current employee of the Department

      (3) "New Employee" means job applicants who have been offered a position or reassignment with the department who:

      (a) have access to protected health information or personal identifying information;

      (b) have direct contact with patients, children, or vulnerable adults as defined in Section 62A-2-120;

      (c) work in areas of privacy and data security;

      (d) handle financial information, including receipt of funds, reviewing invoices, making payments, and other types of financial information; or

      (e) perform audit functions, whether internal or external, on behalf of the department.

      (4) "Office of Background Processing" means the background processing section within the department.