R380-300. Employee Background Screening

R380-300-1. Authority
Latest version.

  This rule is adopted pursuant to Title 26 Chapter 1 Section 17.1.

R380-300-2. Purpose
Latest version.

  (1) The purpose of this rule is to set forth the standards for the Department employee and volunteer background screening in accordance with Section 26-1-17.1.

R380-300-3. Definitions
Latest version.

  Terms used in this rule are defined in Title 26, Chapter 1. In addition:

  (1) "Current Employee" means all staff, contracted employees, and volunteers who:

  (a) have access to protected health information or personal identifying information;

  (b) have direct contact with patients, children, or vulnerable adults as defined in Section 62A-2-120;

  (c) work in areas of privacy and data security;

  (d) handle financial information, including receipt of funds, reviewing invoices, making payments, and other types of financial information; or

  (e) perform audit functions, whether internal or external, on behalf of the department.

  (2) "Employee" means a current employee of the Department

  (3) "New Employee" means job applicants who have been offered a position or reassignment with the department who:

  (a) have access to protected health information or personal identifying information;

  (b) have direct contact with patients, children, or vulnerable adults as defined in Section 62A-2-120;

  (c) work in areas of privacy and data security;

  (d) handle financial information, including receipt of funds, reviewing invoices, making payments, and other types of financial information; or

  (e) perform audit functions, whether internal or external, on behalf of the department.

  (4) "Office of Background Processing" means the background processing section within the department.

R380-300-4. Background Screening Process - Current Employee
Latest version.

  (1) The Department may conduct a background screening on current employees based on division's background screening guidelines determined by risk associated with the employees' work responsibilities.

  (2) Current employees who require screening must:

  (a) sign a criminal background screening authorization form;

  (b) provide personal demographics required; and

  (c) submit live scan fingerprints.

  (3) Current employees may continue to work during the department's implementation of the background screening process.

  (4) If the Office of Background Processing determines that a current employee is not eligible for continued employment, based on criminal record information obtained through the initial or ongoing background screening process, the Office of Background Processing shall send a notice of action to the employee and the employee's division director which shall include the action, the reconsideration process, and a statement that the information is confidential.

  (5) The department may allow a current employee to continue to work with conditions, during the reconsideration process as defined in each division's background screening guidelines if the employee can demonstrate the work arrangement does not pose a threat to the department and the safety and health of Utah citizens.

  (6) The department is responsible for the payment of all fees required and any fees required to be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by the bureau.

R380-300-5. Background Screening Process - New Employees
Latest version.

  (1) Background screening is part of the department's hiring process and any offer of employment is conditional upon the results of the background screening.

  (2) An employee who is reassigned to the department will be informed in writing that their offer of employment with the department is conditional upon on the results of the background screening.

  (3) The Office of Background Processing shall determine if the new employee is eligible for employment prior to the new employee:

  (a) having access to protected health information or personal identifying information;

  (b) having direct contact with patients, children, or vulnerable adults as defined in Section 62A-2-120;

  (c) working in areas of privacy and data security;

  (d) handling financial information, including receipt of funds, reviewing invoices, making payments, and other types of financial information; or

  (e) performing audit functions, whether internal or external, on behalf of the department.

  (4) All new employees who have been offered employment with the department shall:

  (a) sign a criminal background screening authorization form;

  (b) provide personal demographics; and

  (c) submit live scan fingerprints.

  (5) If the Office of Background Processing determines that a new employee is not eligible for employment, based on information obtained through the background screening process, the Office of Background Processing shall send a notice of action to the employee, Human Resources and the employee's division director which shall include the action and a statement that the information is confidential.

  (6) The department is responsible for the payment of all fees required and any fees required to be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by the bureau.

R380-300-6. Sources for Background Review
Latest version.

  (1) In accordance with Section 26-1-17.1, the department may review relevant information obtained from the following sources:

  (a) Department of Public Safety arrest, conviction, and disposition records described in Title 53, Chapter 10, Criminal Investigations and Technical Services Act, including information in state, regional, and national records files; and

  (b) federal criminal background databases available to the state.

  (2) The department shall classify a crime committed in another state according to the closest matching crime under Utah law, regardless of how the crime is classified in the state where the crime was committed.

  (3) If the Office of Background Processing determines an employee is not eligible for continued employment based upon the criminal background screening and the employee disagrees with the information provided by the Criminal Investigations and Technical Services Division or court record, the employee may challenge the information obtained from the background screening process through the appropriate agency.

  (4) Ongoing monitoring of records referred to in 6(1) will immediately be discontinued upon separation of employment.

R380-300-7. Current Employee Exclusions
Latest version.

  (1) Convictions or Pending Charges.

  (a) If an employee has been convicted, has pleaded no contest, or is subject to a plea in abeyance or diversion agreement, for deniable offenses outlined within each division's background screening guidelines, the employee may be terminated.

  (b) If an employee has a warrant for arrest or an arrest for any of the identified deniable offenses, the department may terminate employment based on:

  (i) the type of offense;

  (ii) the severity of offense; and

  (iii) potential risk to the department.

  (2) Review of Relevant Information.

  (a) Results of background screening, may be reviewed to determine under what circumstance, if any, the current employee may continue to be employed. The following factors may be considered:

  (i) types and number;

  (ii) passage of time;

  (iii) surrounding circumstances;

  (vi) intervening circumstances; and

  (v) steps taken to correct or improve.

  (3) The Office of Background Processing may deny clearance based on the relevant information identified in subsection 6(1).