R65-8-2. Establishment of a Forum  

Latest version.
  •   A. There is established a Utah Junior Livestock Show Association to be composed of the President, or the President's representative, of each of the Junior Livestock Shows that are currently participating in the appropriation. The President of each show, or the President's representative, may vote on issues at the annual meeting.

      B. The Association will hold an annual meeting to conduct the business associated with carrying out the intent of these rules. The meeting will be held at a time decided upon by the officers.

      C. The Association will conduct an election during even numbered years to elect a Vice-President and Secretary. The Vice-President will succeed the President on even numbered years. The Treasurer function will be carried out by the Commissioner's designated liaison to the Association as contained in R65-8-6.

      D. The President of each participating show, or the President's representative, will attend the annual meeting or submit a written explanation for non-attendance to the President of the Association.

      E. Representatives from at least one-third of the member shows will constitute a quorum for conducting business at the annual meeting.

      F. Membership dues will be set by the officers of the Association, but may not exceed $50.00 per year, payable at the annual meeting. Allocations from the show fund may not be used to pay dues.