R426-3. Licensure  

R426-3-100. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

  (1) This Rule establishes standards for the licensure of ground ambulance and paramedic services.

  (2) The purpose of this rule is to set forth ground ambulance policies, rules, and standards adopted by the Utah Emergency Medical Services Committee, which promotes and protects the health and safety of the people of this state.

R426-3-200. Requirement for Licensure
Latest version.

  (1) A person who provides or represents that it provides ground ambulance, paramedic ground ambulance, or paramedic services shall first be licensed by the Department.

R426-3-300. Licensure Types
Latest version.

  (1) The Department may issue exclusive ground ambulance transport licenses for the following types of service at the given levels:

  (a) emergency medical technician (EMT);

  (b) advanced emergency medical technician (AEMT); and

  (c) paramedic.

  (2) The Department may issue exclusive ground ambulance inter-facility transport licenses for the following types of service at the given levels:

  (a) emergency medical technician (EMT);

  (b) advanced emergency medical technician (AEMT); and

  (c) paramedic.

  (3) The Department may issue exclusive paramedic, non-transport licenses.

  (4) The Department may issue a paramedic tactical license that is a function not tied to a specific geographical location.

R426-3-400. Scope of Operations
Latest version.

  (1) A ground ambulance or paramedic licensed provider may only provide service to its specific licensed geographic service area and is responsible to provide all services to its entire specific geographic service area except as provided by aid agreements. It will provide emergency medical services for its category of licensure.

  (2) A ground ambulance provider or paramedic service provider shall provide services 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

  (3) A ground ambulance provider or paramedic service provider shall provide all standby services for any special event that requires ground ambulance or paramedic services within its geographic service area. The licensed provider may arrange for those services through aid agreements. Designated quick response units may also support licensed ground ambulance or paramedic services at special events. If a licensed provider refuses to provide service, or is non-responsive in a timely manner to a request for a special event, the event organizer may use a licensed or designated provider of their choice.

R426-3-500. Minimum Licensure Requirements Ground Ambulance and Paramedic Services
Latest version.

  A licensed provider shall meet the following minimum requirements:

  (1) sufficient ground ambulances, emergency response vehicle(s), equipment, and supplies that meet the requirements of this rule and as may be necessary to carry out its responsibilities under its license or proposed license without relying upon aid agreements with other licensed provider;

  (2) locations or staging areas for stationing its vehicles;

  (3) a current written dispatch agreement with a designated emergency medical dispatch center;

  (4) ground ambulances may have current written aid agreements with other ground ambulance licensed providers to give assistance in times of unusual demand;

  (5) a Department certified EMS training officer that is responsible for continuing education;

  (6) a current plan of operations;

  (7) a description of how the licensed provider or applicant proposes to interface with other licensed and designated EMS providers;

  (8) demonstrate fiscal viability;

  (9) medical personnel roster which includes level of licensure to ensure there is sufficient trained and licensed staff for operational procedures;

  (10) all proposed permitted vehicles;

  (11) a current written agreement with a Department-certified off-line medical director or a medical director certified in the state where the service is based;

  (12) provide a copy of its certificate of insurance or if seeking application, provide proof of the ability to obtain insurance to respond to damages due to operation of a vehicle in the manner and following minimum amounts:

  (a) liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 for each individual claim; and

  (b) liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 for property damage from any one occurrence;

  (c) obtain the insurance from an insurance company authorized to write liability coverage in Utah or through a self-insurance program and shall:

  (i) provide the Department with a copy of its certificate of insurance demonstrating compliance with this section; and

  (ii) direct the insurance carrier or self-insurance program to notify the Department of all changes in insurance coverage within 60 days;

  (13) not be disqualified for disciplinary action relating to an EMS license, permit, designation, or certification in this or any other state;

  (14) a paramedic tactical service shall be a public safety agency or have a letter of recommendation from a county or city law enforcement agency within the paramedic tactical service's geographic service area;

  (15) applicable fees and application on Department-approved forms to the Department;

  (16) a detailed description and detailed map of the exclusive geographical areas that will be served;

  (17) if the requested geographical service area is for less than all ground ambulance or paramedic services, the applicant shall include a written description and detailed map showing how the areas not included will receive ground ambulance or paramedic services;

  (18) if an applicant is responding to a public bid, the applicant shall include detailed maps and descriptions for all geographical areas served;

  (19) documentation showing that the applicant meets all local zoning and business licensing standards within the exclusive geographical service area that it will serve;

  (20) a written description of how the applicant will communicate with dispatch centers, law enforcement agencies, on-line medical control, and patient transport destinations;

  (21) patient care protocols, medications, and equipment approved by the provider's medical director based on licensure level according to Department policies;

  (22) applicant's plans for operations during times of unusual demand;

  (23) a written assessment of field performance from the applicant's off-line medical director;

  (24) other information that the Department determines necessary for the processing of the application and the oversight of the licensed entity.

  (25) written cost, quality, and access goals as described in R426-3-600, if available;

  (26) response to a request for proposal;

  (27) if, upon Department review, the application for a new license is complete and meets all the requirements, the Department shall issue a notice of approved application;

  (28) award of a new license or a renewal license is contingent upon the applicant's demonstration of compliance with all applicable statute and rules and a successful Department quality assurance review;

  (29) after review and before issuing a license to a new service, the Department will inspect the ground vehicle(s), equipment, and required documentation; and

  (30) a license may be issued for up to a four-year period unless revoked or suspended by the Department. The Department may alter the length of the license to standardize renewal cycles.

R426-3-600. Cost, Quality, and Access Goals for Ground Ambulance Providers
Latest version.

  (1) A local government shall establish emergency medical service goals.

  (2) Goals shall be renewed every four years in concurrence with the licensure process for the EMS licensed ground ambulance provider. All local governments in a licensed service area are required to participate.

  (3) Goals may be amended, if necessary, due to:

  (a) unforeseen changes in service delivery;

  (b) community impacts; or

  (c) significant unforeseen impact in the geographical service area.

  (4) Goals shall be written, approved by local governments, and submitted to the Department with licensure and re-licensure application by the EMS licensed ground ambulance provider for the geographical service area.

  (5) Local governments may choose to recognize EMS providers who have achieved accreditation by a Department approved accreditation organization as meeting the cost, quality, and access goals.

  (6) Cost goals shall indicate the expected financial cost to the local government(s) and patients for the level of service provided.

  (7) Quality goals shall indicate the expected level of service plus any additional foreseen improvements or advancements in service expectations.

  (8) Access goals shall indicate the local government's expectation for access to the EMS system by any individual within the local government's geographic area.

R426-3-700. Medical Control
Latest version.

  (1) All licensed providers shall enter into a written agreement with a physician to serve as its off-line medical director to supervise the medical care or instructions provided by the field EMS personnel and dispatchers. The physician shall be familiar with:

  (a) the design and operation of the local pre-hospital EMS system; and

  (b) local dispatch and communication systems and procedures.

  (2) The off-line medical director shall:

  (a) develop and implement patient care standards which include written standing orders and triage, treatment, and transport protocols;

  (b) ensure the qualification of field EMS personnel involved in patient care through the provision of ongoing continuing medical education programs and appropriate review and evaluation;

  (c) develop and implement an effective quality improvement program, including medical audit, review, and critique of patient care;

  (d) annually review triage, treatment, and transport protocols and update them as necessary;

  (e) suspend from patient care, pending Department review, a field EMS personnel who does not comply with local medical triage, treatment and transport protocols, or who violates any of the EMS rules, or who the medical director determines is providing emergency medical service in a careless or unsafe manner. The medical director shall notify the Department within one business day of the suspension;

  (f) attend meetings of the local EMS Council, if one exists, to participate in the coordination and operations of local EMS providers; and

  (g) licensed providers shall notify the Department if an off-line medical director is replaced, within thirty days.

R426-3-710. Air Ambulance Application
Latest version.

  An applicant desiring to obtain a new license or to renew its license for air ambulance services shall submit the applicable fees and application on Department-approved forms to the Department. As part of the application, the applicant shall submit documentation that it meets the requirements listed in R426-3-500 and the following:

  (1) certified articles of incorporation, if incorporated;

  (2) a statement summarizing the training and experience of the applicant in the air transportation and care of patients;

  (3) a copy of current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Carrier Operating Certificate authorizing FAR, Part 135, operations;

  (4) a copy of the current certificates of insurance demonstrating coverage for medical malpractice;

  (5) a description and location of each dedicated and back-up air ambulance(s) procured for use in the air ambulance service, including the make, model, and year of manufacture, FAA-N number, insignia, name or monogram, or other distinguishing characteristics;

  (6) successful completion of a Department approved accreditation process and such accreditation decision shall exclude Federal Aviation Agency or Aviation Deregulation Act regulated activities;

  (7) for new air ambulance services licensed under R426-3-200, the applicant shall submit an application for accreditation by a Department approved accreditation process within one year of receiving a license under this rule; and

  (8) licensed air ambulance services shall achieve accreditation and maintain accreditation.

  (9) Any new air ambulance providers applying for a license who have been licensed and operating in any other state for at least one year shall provide the Department with a copy of a successful accreditation decision, or an application sent to a Department approved accreditation vendors prior to receiving an air ambulance license.

  (10) Upon receipt of an appropriately completed application for air ambulance provider license and submission of license fees, the Department shall collect supporting documentation and review each application.

  (11) After review and before issuing a license to a new service, the Department shall directly inspect the air vehicle(s), equipment, and required documentation.

  (12) Department approved accreditation vendors shall allow a Department representative to accompany accreditation surveyors on site surveys or during any accreditation inspections at the request of the Department.

  (13) If, upon Department review, the application for a new license is complete and meets all the requirements, the Department shall issue a notice of approved application as required by 26-8a-405 and 406.

  (14) Award of a new license or a renewal license is contingent upon the applicant's demonstration of compliance with all applicable statute and rules and a successful Department quality assurance review.

  (15) Any events impacting patient safety including death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm, or requiring intervention to sustain life shall be reported to the Department and the associated Department approved accreditation vendor(s) by the licensed air ambulance provider within 30 days or the event.

  (16) A license may be issued for up to a four-year period unless revoked or suspended by the Department. The Department may alter the length of the license to standardize renewal cycles.

R426-3-800. Ground Ambulance or Paramedic Service Provider Aid Agreements
Latest version.

  (1) All licensed ground ambulance providers are expected to render mutual aid support for adjoined geographical service areas. Mutual aid support means that they may be called upon to provide assistance during times of unusual demand. Exceptions for this expectation should be submitted as part of a license application.

  (2) Other types of aid agreements shall be in writing, signed by both parties, and detail the:

  (a) purpose of the agreement;

  (b) type of assistance required;

  (c) circumstances under which the assistance would be given; and

  (d) duration of the agreement.

  (3) The parties shall provide a copy of any aid agreement(s) except for mutual aid support to the Department and to the designated emergency medical dispatch center(s) that dispatch the licensed ground ambulance providers.

  (4) When mutual aid support is given the licensed ground ambulance provider rendering support will be responsible for the following, unless otherwise stated in writing, and approved by the Department prior to the event:

  (a) billing or other financial reimbursements;

  (b) liability for EMS operations related to staff and patient care; and

  (c) patient care protocols for licensure level.

R426-3-900. Application Review and Award for Ground Ambulance Providers Selected by Public Bid
Latest version.

  (1) Upon receipt of an appropriately completed application, for ground ambulance or paramedic service license and submission of license fees, the Department shall collect supporting documentation and review each application.

  (2) If, upon Department review, the application is complete and meets all the requirements, the Department shall:

  (a) for a new license application, issue a notice of approved application;

  (b) issue a renewal license to an applicant;

  (c) issue a four-year renewal license to a license selected by a political subdivision if the political subdivision verified to the Department that the licensed provider has met all of the specifications of the original bid and requirements; or

  (d) issue a second four-year renewal license to a licensed provider selected by a political subdivision if:

  (i) the political subdivision verified to the Department that the licensed provider has met all of the specifications of the original bid and requirements; and

  (ii) if the Department or the political subdivision has not received, prior to the expiration date, written notice from an approved applicant desiring to submit a bid for ambulance or paramedic services.

  (3) Upon the request of the political subdivision and the agreement of all interested parties and the Department that the public interest would be served, the renewal license may be issued for a period of less than four years or a new request for the proposal process may be commenced at any time.

R426-3-1000. Criteria for Denial or Revocation of Licensure
Latest version.

  (1) The Department may deny an application for a license, a renewal of a license, or revoke, suspend or restrict a license without reviewing whether a license shall be granted or renewed to meet public convenience and necessity for any of the following reasons:

  (a) failure to meet substantial requirements as specified in the rules governing the service;

  (b) failure to meet vehicle, equipment, staffing, or insurance requirements;

  (c) failure to meet agreements covering training standards or testing standards;

  (d) substantial violations;

  (e) a history of disciplinary action relating to a license, permit, designation, or certification in this or any other state;

  (f) a history of serious or substantial public complaints;

  (g) a history of criminal activity by the licensee or its principals while licensed or designated as an EMS provider or while operating as an EMS service with permitted vehicles;

  (h) falsification or misrepresentation of any information in the application or related documents;

  (i) failure to pay the required licensing or permitting fees or other fees or failure to pay outstanding balances owed to the Department;

  (j) failure to submit records and other data to the Department as required;

  (k) a history of inappropriate billing practices;

  (l) misuse of grant funds; or

  (m) violation of OSHA or other federal standards that it is required to meet in the provision of the EMS service.

  (2) An applicant or licensed provider that has been denied, revoked, suspended or issued a restricted license may appeal by filing a written appeal within thirty calendar days of the receipt of the issuance of the Department's denial.

R426-3-1100. Change of Owner
Latest version.

  (1) A license and the vehicle permits cannot be transferred to another party.

  (2) A new owner shall submit within 10 (ten) calendar days prior to acquisition of property, applications and fees for a new license and vehicle permits.