This is a general update to the rules that were completely repealed in November of 2014. It is based on stakeholder feedback on a variety of issues, as well as corrects and clarifies some existing language. This rule update includes a definition of "siblings" for the Office of Licensing and language to encourage the placement of siblings together in foster homes; moves the requirement of CPR training being "in person"; broadens the type of mental health examinations allowable in order to reduce cost/burden to prospective foster parents and ensure the right assessment is done when needed; creates more flexible language regarding requirements for recreation space, telephones, bed requirements, and home temperature; adds a requirement for residents of a foster home to be immunized if they are wanting to take unimmunized foster children; disallows smoking in the foster home; clarifies that homes must be in compliance with municipal requirements for septic systems and swimming pools; and clarifies a foster child's right to be free from harmful media. Extensive stakeholder feedback was sought prior to rule submission from the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS), Juvenile Justice Services (JJS), Utah Foster Care, Youth Provider's Association, the Department of Health, and Foster Families of Utah.