DAR File No.: 32401
Filed: 02/24/2009, 03:53
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The purpose of this amendment is to move this rule to a new title number and to change the number of horses for a qualified race from five to two.
Summary of the rule or change:
There are two changes to the rule being proposed at this time, it involves reducing the number of horses for a qualified race from the current number of five to a number of two. This change is being made at the request of the horse racing industry. Then the second change is to move the rule to a new title, R52. Agriculture and Food, Horse Racing Commission (Utah).
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Title 4, Chapter 38
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
There is no cost or savings as a result of these changes to the rule. It only reduces the minimum number of horses required for an official race.
local governments:
There is no cost or savings to local government because local government does not have horse racing jurisdiction.
small businesses and persons other than businesses:
There could be an increase in revenue as a result of more races.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There will be no additional cost for horse owners.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
There could be an increase in revenue for local businesses as a result of reducing the minimum number or horses per race. The horse racing industry requested the agency to make these changes to the administrative rule to potentially allow for more race meets. This is a relatively small industry and it has declined over the years, nonetheless it is important to have sanctioned races that increase the value of the breeding stock for the racing industry. Leonard M. Blackham, Commissioner
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Agriculture and Food
Marketing and Development
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116-3034Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Kathleen Mathews or Kyle Stephens at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7103 or 801-538-7102, by FAX at 801-538-7126 or 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at kmathews@utah.gov or kylestephens@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Leonard M. Blackham, Commissioner
R65]R52. Agriculture and Food, [Marketing and Development]Horse Racing Commission (Utah).Promulgated under authority of Section 4-38-4.
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43. "Post Time" means the advertised time for the arrival of the horses at the start of the race.
44. "Protest" means a written complaint, signed by the protester, against any horse which has started in a race and shall be made to the Stewards within 48 hours after the running of the race, except as noted in Subsection R[
65]52-7-10(8).45. "Race Meeting" means the entire period of time not to exceed 20 calendar days separating any race days for which an organization license has been granted to a person by the Commission to hold horse racing.
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R65]R52-7-3. Commission Powers and Jurisdiction.. . . . . . .
R65]R52-7-4. Racing Organization.1. Allocation Of Racing Dates. The Commission shall allocate racing dates for the conduct of horse race meetings within this State for such time periods and at such racing locations as the Commission determines will best serve the interests of the people of the State of Utah in accordance with the Utah Horse Act. Upon a finding by the Commission that the allocation of racing dates for any year is completed, the racing dates so allocated shall be subject to reconsideration or amendment only for conditions unforeseen at the time of allocation.
2. Application For License And Days To Conduct A Horse Race Meeting. Every person who intends to conduct a horse race meeting shall file such application with the Commission no later than August 1 of the preceding calendar year. Any prospective applicant for license and days to conduct a horse race meeting failing to timely file the application for license may be disqualified and its application for license refused summarily by the Commission.
3. Commission May Demand Information. The Commission may require any racing organization or prospective racing organization to furnish the Commission with a detailed proposal and disclosures as to its proposed racing program, purse, program, financial projections, racing officials, principals or shareholders, plants, premises, facility, finances, lease arrangements, agreements, contracts, and such other information as the Commission may require to determine the eligibility and qualification of the organization to conduct a race meeting; all in addition to that required in the application form set forth in Subsection R[
65]52-7-4(4) and as required by Section 4-38-4.. . . . . . .
R65]R52-7-5. Occupation Licensing and Registration.1. Occupation Licenses. No person required to be licensed shall participate in a race meeting without their holding a valid license authorizing that participation. Licenses shall be obtained prior to the time such persons engage in their vocations upon such racetrack grounds at any time during the calendar year for which the organization license has been issued.
A. A person whose occupation requires acting in any capacity within any area of an enclosure shall pay the required fee and procure the appropriate license or licenses.
B. A person acting in any of the following capacities shall pay the required fee and procure the appropriate license or licenses: (A list of all required fees shall be available at the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food.)
1. Owner/Trainer Combination
2. Owner
3. Trainer
4. Assistant Trainer
5. Jockey
6. Veterinarian
7. Jockey Room Attendant
8. Paddock Attendant
9. Pony Rider
10. Concessionaire
11. Valet
12. Groom
C. A person whose license-identification badge is lost or destroyed shall procure a replacement license-identification badge and shall pay the required fee.
D. The date of payment of all required fees as recorded by the Commission shall be the effective date of issuance of a continuous occupation license or registration shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it is issued. A license renewal shall be on an annual basis beginning January 1.
E. All license applicants may be required to provide two complete sets of fingerprints on forms provided by or acceptable to the Commission and pay the required fee for processing the fingerprint cards through State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. If the fingerprints are of a quality not acceptable for processing, the licensee may be required to be refingerprinted.
F. All applicants for occupation licenses must be a minimum of 16 years of age. However, this shall not preclude dependent children under the age of 16 from working for their parents or guardian if said parents or guardian are licensed as a trainer or assistant trainer and permission has been obtained from the organization licensee. A trainer or his authorized representative signing a Test Barn Sample Tag must be licensed and a minimum of 18 years of age.
2. Employment Of Unlicensed Person. No organization, owner, trainer or other licensee acting as an employer within the enclosure at an authorized race meeting shall employ or harbor within the enclosure any person required to be licensed by the Commission until such organization, owner, trainer, or other employer determines that such person required to be licensed has been issued a valid license by the Commission. No organization shall permit any owner, trainer, or jockey to own, train, or ride on its premises during a recognized race meeting unless such owner, trainer, or jockey has received a license to do so from the Commission. The organization or prospective employer may demand for inspection the license of any person participating or attempting to participate at its meeting, and the organization may demand for inspection the documents relating to any horse on its grounds.
3. Notice Of Termination. Any organization, owner, trainer, or other licensee acting as an employer within the enclosure at an authorized race meeting shall be responsible for the immediate notification to the Commission and the organization conducting the race meeting of a termination of employment of a licensee. The employer shall make every effort to obtain the license badge from the employee and deliver the license badge to the Commission.
4. Application For License. An applicant for license shall apply in writing on the application forms furnished by the Commission.
5. License Identification Badge Requirements. The license identification badge may consist of the following information concerning the licensee:
A. Full Name
B. Permanent Address
C. License Capacity
D. Date of Issue
E. Passport-Type Color Photograph
F. Social Security Number
G. Date of Birth
All license identification badges may be color coded as to capacity of occupation and eligibility for access to restricted areas. All license holders, except jockeys riding in a race, must wear a current identification badge while present in restricted areas of the enclosure or as otherwise specified in Subsection R[
65]52-7-5(1).6. Honoring Official Credentials. Credentials issued by the Commission may be honored for admission at all gates and entrances and to all places within the enclosure. Automobiles with vehicle decals issued by the Commission to its members and employees shall be permitted ingress and egress at any point. Credentials issued by the National Association of State Racing Commissioners to its members, past members, and staff shall be honored by the organization for admission into the public enclosure when presented therefore by such persons.
7. License Subject To Conditions And Agreements.
A. Every license is subject to the conditions and agreements contained in the application therefore and to the Statutes and Rules.
B. Every license issued to a licensee by the Commission remains the property of the Commission.
C. Possession of a license does not, as such, confer any right upon the holder thereof to employment at or participation in a race.
D. The Commission may restrict, limit, place conditions on, or endorse for additional occupational classes, any license, R[
65]52-7-5(9).8. Changes In Application Information. Each licensee or applicant for license shall file with the Commission his permanent and his current mailing address and shall report in writing to the Commission any and all changes in application information.
9. Grounds For Denial, Refusal, Suspension Or Revocation Of License. The Commission, in addition to any other valid ground or reason, may deny, refuse to issue, suspend or revoke an occupation license for any person:
A. Who has been convicted of a felony of this State, any other state, or the United States of America; or
B. Who has been convicted of violating any law regarding gambling or controlled dangerous substance of this State, any other state, or of the United States of America; or
C. Who is unqualified to perform the duties required of the applicant; or
D. Who fails to disclose or states falsely any information required in the application; or
E. Who has been found guilty of a violation of any provision of the Utah Horse Act or of the Rules and Regulations of the Commission; or
F. Whose license for any racing occupation or activity requiring a license has been or is currently suspended, revoked, refused or denied for just cause in any other competent racing jurisdiction; or
G. Who has been or is currently excluded from any racing enclosure by a competent racing jurisdiction.
10. Examinations. The Commission may require the applicant for any license to demonstrate his knowledge, qualifications, and proficiency for the license applied for by such examination as the Commission may direct.
11. Refusal Without Prejudice. A refusal to issue a license (as distinguished from a denial of a license) to an applicant by the Commission at any race meeting is without prejudice; and the applicant so refused may reapply for a license at any subsequent or other race meeting, or he may appeal such refusal to the Commission for hearing upon his qualifications and fitness for the license.
12. Hearing After Denial Of License. Any person who has had his license denied may petition the Commission to reopen the case and reconsider its decision upon a sufficient showing that there is now available evidence which could not, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, have been previously presented to the Commission. Any such petition must be filed with the Commission no later than 30 days after the effective date of the Commission's decision in the matter. Any person who has been denied a license by the Commission may not refile a similar application for license until one year from the effective date of the decision to deny the license.
13. Financial Responsibility Of Applicants. Applicants for license as horse owner or trainer must submit satisfactory evidence of their financial ability to care for and maintain the horses owned and/or trained by them when such evidence is requested by the Commission.
14. Physical Examination. The Commission or the Stewards may require that any jockey be examined at any time, and the Commission or the Stewards may refuse to allow any jockey to ride until he has successfully passed such examination.
15. Qualifications For Jockey. No person under 16 years of age shall be granted a jockey's license. A person who has never ridden in a race at a recognized meeting shall not be granted a license as jockey unless he has satisfactorily worked a horse from the starting gate in company, before the Stewards or their representatives. Upon the recommendation of the Stewards, the Commission may issue a jockey's license granting permission to such person for the purpose of riding in not more than four races to establish the qualifications and ability of such person for the license. Subsequently, the Stewards may recommend the granting of a jockey's license.
16. Jockey Agent. A jockey agent is the authorized representative of a jockey if he is registered with the Stewards and licensed by the Commission as the Jockey's representative. No jockey agent shall represent more than two jockeys at the same time.
17. Workers' Compensation Act Compliance. No person may be licensed as a trainer, owner, or in any other capacity in which such person acts as the employer of any other licensee at any authorized race meeting, unless his liability for Workers' Compensation has been secured in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Utah and until evidence of such security for liability is provided the Commission. Should any such required security for liability for Workers' Compensation be canceled or terminated, any license held by such person shall be automatically suspended and shall be grounds for revocation of the license. If a license applicant certifies that he has no employees that would subject him to liability for Workers' Compensation, he may be licensed, but only for the period he has no employees.
18. Program Trainer Prohibited. No licensed trainer, for the purpose of avoiding his responsibilities or insurance requirements as set forth in these Rules, shall place any horse in the care or attendance of any other trainer.
19. Qualifications For License As Horse Owner. No person may be licensed as a horse owner who is not the owner of record of a properly registered race horse which he intends to race in Utah and which is in the care of a licensed trainer, or who does not have an interest in such race horse as a part owner or lessee, or who is not the responsible managing owner of a corporation, syndicate or partnership which is the legal owner of such horse.
20. Horse Ownership By Lease. Horses may be raced under lease provided a completed Utah Horse Commission, breed registry, approved pari-mutuel or other lease form acceptable to the Commission, is attached to the Registration Certificate and on file with the Commission. The lessor(s) and lessee must be licensed as horse owners. No lessor shall execute a lease for the purpose of avoiding insurance requirements.
21. Statements Of Corporation, Partnership, Syndicate Or Other Association Or Entity. All organizational documents of a corporation, partnership, syndicate or other association or entity, and the relative proportion of ownership interest, the terms of sales with contingencies, arrangements, or leases, shall be filed with the Horsemen's Bookkeeper of the organization and with the Commission. The above-said documents shall declare to whom winnings are payable, in whose names the horses shall be run, and the name of the licensed person who assumes all responsibilities as the owner. The part owner of any horse shall not assign his share or any part of it without the written consent of the other partners, and such consent shall be filed with the Horsemen's Bookkeeper and the Commission. A person or persons conducting racing operations as a corporation, partnership, syndicate or other association or entity shall register the information required by Rules in this Article and pay the required fee(s) for the appropriate entity.
22. Stable Name Registration. A person or persons electing to conduct racing operations by use of a stable name shall register the stable name and shall pay the required fee.
A. The applicant must disclose the identity or identities of all persons comprising the stable name.
B. Changes in identities must be reported immediately to and approval obtained from the Commission.
C. No person shall register more than one stable name at the same time nor use his real name for racing purposes so long as he has a registered stable name.
D. Any person who has registered under a stable name may cancel the stable name after he has given written notice to the Commission.
E. A stable name may be changed by registering a new stable name and by paying the required Fee.
F. No person shall register a stable name which has been registered by any other person with any organization conducting a recognized race meeting.
G. A stable name shall be clearly distinguishable from that of another registered stable name.
H. The stable name, and the name of the owner or managing owner, shall be published in the official program. If the stable name consists of more than one person, the official program will list the name of the managing owner along with the phrase "et al."
I. If a partnership, corporation, syndicate, or other association or entity is involved in the identity comprising a stable name, the rules covering a partnership, corporation, syndicate or other association or entity must be complied with and the usual fees paid therefore in addition to the fees for the registration of a stable name.
23. Ownership Licensing Required. The ownership licensing procedures required by the Commission must be completed prior to the horse starting in a race and shall include all registrations, statements and payment of fees.
24. Knowledge Of Rules. Every licensee, in order to maintain their qualifications for any license held by them, shall be familiar with and knowledgeable of the rules, including all amendments. Every licensee is presumed to know the rules.
25. Certain Prohibited Licenses. Commission-licensed jockeys, veterinarians, organizations' security personnel, vendors, and such other licensees designated by the stewards with approval of the Commission, shall not hold any other license. The Commission may refuse to issue a license to a person whose spouse holds a license and which, in the opinion of the Commission, would create a conflict of interest.
R65]R52-7-6. Racing Officials and Commission Racing Personnel.. . . . . . .
R65]R52-7-7. Entries and Declarations.1. Control Over Entries And Declarations. All entries and declarations are under the supervision of the Stewards or their designee; and they, without notice, may refuse the entries any person or the transfer of entries.
2. Racing Secretary To Establish Conditions. The racing secretary may establish the conditions for any race, the allowances or handicaps to be established for specific races, the procedures for the acceptance of entries and declarations, and such other conditions as are necessary to provide and conduct the organization's race meeting. The racing secretary is responsible for the receipt of entries and declarations for all races. The racing secretary, employees of their department, or racing officials shall not disclose any pertinent information concerning entries which have been submitted until all entries are closed. After an entry to a race for which conditions have been published has been accepted by the racing secretary or their delegate, no condition of such race shall be changed, amended or altered, nor shall any new condition for such race be imposed.
3. Entries. No horse shall be entered in more than one race on the same day. No person shall enter or attempt to enter a horse for a race unless such entry is a bona fide entry made with the intention that such horse is to compete in the race for which entry is made except, if racing conditions permit, for entry back in finals or consolations involving physically disabled or dead qualifiers for purse payment purposes. Entries shall be in writing on the entry card provided by the organization and must be signed by the trainer or assistant trainer of the horse. Entries made by telephone are valid properly confirmed by the track when signing the entry card. No horse shall be allowed to start unless the entry card has been signed by the trainer or his assistant trainer.
4. Determining Eligibility. Determination of a horse's eligibility, penalty or penalties and the right to allowance or allowances for all races shall be from the date of the horse's last race unless the conditions specify otherwise. The trainer is responsible for the eligibility of his horse and to properly enter his horse in condition. In the event the records of the Racing Secretary or the appropriate breed registry do not reflect the horse's most recent starts, the trainer or owner shall accurately provide such information. If a horse is not eligible under the first condition of any race, he cannot be eligible under subsequent conditions. If the conditions specify nonwinners of a certain amount, it means that the horse has not won a race in which the winner's share was the specified amount or more. If the conditions specify nonearners of a stated amount, it means that the horse has not earned that stated amount in any total number of races regardless of the horse's placing.
5. Entries Survive With Transfer. All entries and rights of entry are valid and survive when a horse is sold with his engagements duly transferred. If a partnership agreement is properly filed with the Horsemen's Bookkeeper, subscriptions, entries and rights of entry survive in the remaining partners. Unless written notice to the contrary is filed with the stewards, the entries, rights of entry, and engagements remain with the horse and are transferred therewith to the new owner. No entry or right of entry shall become void on the death of the nominator unless the conditions of the race state otherwise.
6. Horses Ineligible To Start In A Race. In addition to any other valid ground or reason, a horse is ineligible to start any race if:
A. Such horse is not registered by The Jockey Club if a Thoroughbred; the American Quarter Horse Association if a Quarter Horse; the Appaloosa Horse Club if an Appaloosa; the Arabian Horse Club Registry of America if an Arabian; the American Paint Horse Association if a Paint; the Pinto Horse Association of America, Inc., if a Pinto; or any successors to any of the foregoing or other registry recognized by the Commission.
B. The Certificate of Foal Registration, eligibility papers, or other registration issued by the official registry for such horse is not on file with the racing secretary one hour prior to post time for the race in which the horse is scheduled to race.
C. Such horse has been entered or raced at any recognized race meeting under any name or designation other than the name or designation duly assigned by and registered with the official registry.
D. The Win Certificate, Certificate of Foal Registration, eligibility papers or other registration issued by the official registry has been materially altered, erased, removed, or forged.
E. Such horse is ineligible to enter said race, is not duly entered for such race, or remains ineligible to time of starting.
F. The trainer of such horse has not completed the prescribed licensing procedures required by the Commission before entry and the ownership of such horse has not completed the prescribed licensing procedures prior to the horse starting or the horse is in the care of an unlicensed trainer.
G. Such horse is owned in whole or in part or trained by any person who is suspended or ineligible for a license or ineligible to participate under the rules of any Turf Governing Authority or Stud Book Registry.
H. Such horse is a suspended horse.
I. Such horse is on the stewards' list, starter's list, or the veterinarian's list.
J. Except with permission of the stewards and identifier, the identification markings of the horse do not agree with identification as set forth on the registration certificate to the extent that a correction is required from the appropriate breed registry.
K. Except with the permission of the stewards, a horse has not been lip tattooed by a Commission approved tattooer.
L. The entry of a horse is not in the name of his true owner.
M. The horse has drawn into the field or has started in a race on the same day.
N. Its age as determined by an examination of its teeth by the official veterinarian does not correspond to the age shown on its registration certificate, such determination by tooth examination to be made in accordance with the current "Official Guide for Determining the Age of the Horse" as adopted by the American Association of Equine Practitioners.
7. Horses Ineligible To Enter Or Start. Any horse ineligible to be entered for a race or ineligible to start in any race which is entered or competes in such race, may be scratched or disqualified; and the stewards may discipline any person responsible.
8. Registration Certificate To Reflect Correct Ownership. Every certificate of registration, eligibility certificate or lease agreement filed with the organization and its racing secretary to establish the eligibility of a horse to be entered for any race shall accurately reflect the correct and true ownership of such horse, and the name of the owner which is printed on the official program for such horse shall conform to the ownership as declared on the certificate of registration or eligibility certificate. A stable name may be registered for such owner or ownership with the Commission. In the event ownership is by syndicate, corporation, partnership or other association or entity, the name of the owner which is printed on the official program for such shall be the responsible managing owner, officer, or partner who assumes all responsibilities as the owner.
9. Alteration Or Forgery Of Certificate Of Registration. No person shall alter or forge any win sheet, certificate of registration, certificate of eligibility, or any other document of ownership or registration, no willfully forge or alter the signature of any person required on any such document or entry card.
10. Declarations And Scratches. Any trainer or assistant trainer of a horse which has been entered in a race who does not wish such horse to participate in the draw must declare his horse from the race prior to the close of entries. Any trainer or assistant trainer of a horse which has been drawn into or is also eligible for a race who does not wish such horse to start in the race, must scratch his horse from the race prior to the designated scratch time. The declaration or scratch of a horse from a race is irrevocable.
11. Deadline For Arrival Of Entered Horses. All horses scheduled to compete in a race must be present within the enclosure no later than 30 minutes prior to their scheduled race without stewards' approval. Horses not within the enclosure by their deadline may be scratched and the trainer subject to fine and/or suspension.
12. Refund Of Fees. If a horse is declared or scratched from a race, the owner of such horse shall not be entitled to a refund of any nomination, sustaining and penalty payments, entry fees, or organization charges paid or remaining due at the time of the declaration or scratch. In the event any race is not run, declared off, or canceled for any reason, the owners of such horses that remain eligible at the time the race is declared off or canceled shall be entitled to a complete refund of all the above payments and fees less monies specified in written race conditions for advertising and promotion.
13. Release Of Certificates. Any certificate of registration or document of ownership filed with the racing secretary to establish eligibility to enter a race shall be released only to the trainer of record of the horse. However, the trainer may authorize in a form provided by the racing secretary the release of the certificate to the owner named on the certificate or his authorized agent. Any disputes concerning the rights to the registration certificates shall be decided by the stewards.
14. Nomination Races. Prior to the closing of nominations, the organization shall file with the Commission a copy of the nomination blank and all advertisements for races to be run during a race meeting. For all races which nominations close no earlier than 72 hours before post time, the organization shall furnish the Commission and the owners of horses previously made eligible by compliance with the conditions of such race, with a list of all horses nominated and which remain eligible. The list shall be distributed within 15 days after the due date of each payment and shall include the horse's name, the owner's name and the total amount of payments and gross purse to date, including any added monies, applicable interest, supplementary payments, and deduction for advertising and administrative expenses. The organization shall deposit all monies for a nomination race in an escrow account according to procedures approved by the Commission.
15. Limitations On Field And Number Of Races. No race with less than [
five]two horses entered and run, [or three horses ultimately participating,]shall be[run,] approved by the UHRC[with the exception of a trial or the finals for a nomination race]. No more than 20 races may be run on a race day, except with permission of the Commission. A race day may be canceled if less than 75 horses have been entered on the day's program, with the exception of days on which trials or finals for a nomination race are scheduled.16. Agreement Upon Entry. No entry shall be accepted in any race except upon the condition that all disputes, claims, and objections arising out of the racing or with respect to the interpretation of Commission and track rules or conditions of any race shall be decided by the Board of Stewards at the race meet; or, upon appeal, decided by the Commission.
17. Selection Of Entered Horses. The manner of selecting post positions of horses shall be determined by the stewards. The selection shall be by lot and shall be made by one of the stewards or their designee and a horseman, in public, at the close of entries. If the number of entries to any race is in excess of the number of horses which may, because of track limitations, be permitted to start in any one race, the race may be split; or four horses not drawing into the field may be placed on an also eligible list.
18. Preferred List Of Horses. The racing secretary may maintain a list of entered horses eliminated from starting by a surplus of entries, and these horses shall constitute a preferred list and have preference. The manner in which the preferred list shall be maintained and all rules governing such list shall be the responsibility of the Racing Secretary. Such rules must be submitted to the Commission 30 days prior to the commencement of the meet and are subject to approval by the Commission.
R65]R52-7-8. Veterinarian Practices, Medication and Testing Procedures.1. Veterinary Practices - Treatment Restricted. Within the time period of 24 hours prior to the post time for the first race of the week until four hours after the last race of the week, no person other than Utah licensed veterinarians or animal technicians under direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian who have obtained a license from the Commission shall administer to any horse within the enclosure any veterinary treatment or any medicine, medication, or other substance recognized as a medication, except for recognized feed supplements or oral tonics or substances approved by the Official Veterinarian.
2. Veterinarians Under Supervision Of Official Veterinarian. Veterinarians licensed by the Commission and practicing at an authorized meeting are under the supervision of the Official Veterinarian and the Stewards. The Official Veterinarian shall recommend to the Stewards or the Commission the discipline to be imposed upon a veterinarian who violates the Rules, and he or she may sit with the Stewards in any hearing before the Stewards concerning such discipline or violation.
3. Veterinarian Report. Every veterinarian who treats any horse within the enclosure for any contagious or communicable disease shall immediately report to the official veterinarian in writing on a form approved by the Commission. The form shall include the name and location of the horse treated, the name of the trainer, the time of treatment, the probable diagnosis, and the medication administered. Each practicing veterinarian shall be responsible for maintaining treatment records on all horses to which they administer treatment during a given race meeting. These records shall be available to the Commission upon subpoena when required. Any such record and any report of treatment as described above is confidential; and its content shall not be disclosed except in a proceeding before the stewards or the Commission, or in the exercise of the Commission's jurisdiction.
4. Drugs Or Medication. Except as authorized by the provisions of this Article, no drug or medication shall be administered to any horse prior to or during any race. Presence of any drug or its metabolites or analog, or any substance foreign to the natural horse found in the testing sample of a horse participating in a Commission-sanctioned race shall result in disqualification by the Stewards. When a horse is disqualified because of an infraction of this Rule, the owner or owners of such horse shall not participate in any portion of the purse or stakes; and any trophy or other award shall be returned. (See Drugs and Medications Exceptions, Section R67-7-13.)
5. Racing Soundness Examination. Each horse entered to race may be subject to a veterinary examination by the official veterinarian or his authorized representative for racing soundness and health on race day.
6. Positive Lab Reports. A finding by a licensed laboratory that a test sample taken from a horse contains a drug or its metabolites or analog, or any substance foreign to the natural horse shall be prima facie evidence that such has been administered to the horse either internally or externally in violation of these rules. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood or other acceptable specimen tested by the approved laboratory to which it is sent is taken from the horse in question; its integrity is preserved; that all procedures of same collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory, and analyses of the sample are correct and accurate; and that the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the horse in question and correctly reflects the condition of the horse during the race in which he was entered, with the burden on the trainer, assistant trainer or other responsible party to prove otherwise at any hearing in regard to the matter conducted by the stewards or the Commission.
7. Intent Of Medication Rules. It shall be the intent of these rules to protect the integrity of horse racing, to guard the health of the horse, and to safeguard the interests of the public and the racing participants through the prohibition or control of all drugs, medication, and substances foreign to the natural horse.
8. Power To Have Tested. As a safeguard against the use of drugs, medication, and substances foreign to the natural horse, a urine or other acceptable sample shall be taken under the direction of the official veterinarian from the winner of every race and from such other horses as the stewards or the Commission may designate.
9. Pre-Race Testing. The stewards may require any horse entered to race to submit to a blood or other pre-race test, and no horse is eligible to start in a race until the owner or trainer complies with the required testing procedure.
10. Equipment For Official Testing. Organizations shall provide the equipment, necessary supplies and services prescribed by the Commission and the official veterinarian for the taking of or administration of blood, urine, saliva or other tests.
11. Taking Of Samples. Blood, urine, saliva or other samples shall be taken under the direction of the official veterinarian or persons appointed or assigned by the official veterinarian for taking samples. All samples shall be taken in a detention area approved by the Commission, unless the Official Veterinarian approves otherwise. Each horse shall be cooled out for a minimum of 30 minutes after entry into the test barn before a sample is to be taken. The taking of any test samples shall be witnessed, confirmed or acknowledged by the trainer of the horse being tested or his authorized representative or employee, and may be witnessed by the owner, trainer, or other licensed person designated by them. Samples shall be sent to racing laboratories approved and designated by the Commission, in such manner as the Commission or its designee may direct. All required samples shall be in the custody of the official veterinarian, his/her assistants or other persons approved by the official veterinarian from the time they are taken until they are delivered for shipment to the testing laboratory. No person shall tamper with, adulterate, add to, break the seal of, remove or otherwise attempt to so alter or violate any sample required to be taken by this Article, except for the addition of preservatives or substances necessarily added by the Commission-approved laboratory for preservation of the sample or in the process of analysis.
The Commission has the authority to direct the approved laboratory to retain and preserve samples for future analysis.
The fact that purse money has been distributed prior to the issuance of a laboratory report shall not be deemed a finding that no chemical substance has been administered in violation of these Rules to the horse earning such purse money.
12. Laboratories Approved By The Commission. Only laboratories approved by the Commission may be used in obtaining analysis reports on urine, or other specimens, taken from the winners or other designated horses of each race meeting. The Commission and the Board of Stewards shall receive reports directly from the laboratory.
13. Split Samples. As determined by the official veterinarian, when sample quantity permits, each test sample shall be divided into two portions so that one portion shall be used for the initial testing for unknown substances. If the Trainer or owner so requests in writing to the stewards within 48 hours of notice of positive lab report on the test sample of his horse, the second sample shall be sent for further testing to a drug testing laboratory designated and approved by the commission. Nothing in this rule shall prevent the commission or executive director from ordering first use of both sample portions for testing purposes. The results of said split sampling may not prevent the disqualification of the horse as per R[
65]52-7-8-4 and [65]R52-7-8-6. All costs for transportation and testing of the second sample portion shall be the responsibility of the requesting person. The official veterinarian shall have overall supervision and responsibility for the freezing, storage and safeguarding of the second sample portion.14. Facilitating The Taking Of Urine Samples. When a horse has been in the test barn more than 1-1/2 hours, a diuretic may be administered by the Official Veterinarian for the purpose of facilitating the collection of a urine sample with permission of the stewards and the trainer or the trainer's authorized test barn representative. The cost of administration of the diuretic is the responsibility of the trainer. Prior to the administration of a diuretic, a blood sample may be taken from the horse.
15. Postmortem Examination. Every horse which dies or suffers a breakdown on the racetrack in training or in competition within any enclosure licensed by the Commission and is destroyed, may undergo, at a time and place acceptable to the official veterinarian, a postmortem examination to the extent reasonably necessary to determine the injury or sickness which resulted in euthanasia or natural death. Any other horse which expires within any enclosure may be required by the official veterinarian to undergo a postmortem examination.
A. The postmortem examination required under this rule will be conducted by a licensed veterinarian employed by the owner or his trainer in consultation with the official veterinarian, who may be present at such postmortem examination.
B. Test samples may be obtained from the carcass upon which the postmortem examination is conducted and shall be sent to a laboratory approved by the Commission for testing for foreign substances or their metabolites and natural substances at abnormal levels. When practical, samples shall be procured prior to euthanasia.
C. The owner of the deceased horse shall make payment of any charges due the veterinarian employed by him to conduct the postmortem examination.
D. A record of such postmortem shall be filed with the official veterinarian by the owner's veterinarian within 72 hours of the death and shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Commission.
E. Each owner and trainer accepts the responsibility for the postmortem examination provided herein as a requisite for maintaining the occupation license issued by the Commission.
R65]R52-7-9. Running the Race.1. Jockeys To Report. Every jockey engaged to ride in a race shall report to the jockey room at least one hour before post time of the first race and shall weigh out at the appointed time unless excused by the stewards. After reporting, a jockey shall not leave the jockey room until all of their riding engagements have been fulfilled and/or unless excused by the stewards.
2. Entrance To Jockey Room Prohibited. Except with permission of the stewards or the Commission, no person shall be permitted entrance into the jockey room from one hour before post time for the first race until after the last race other than jockeys, their attendants, racing officials and security officers on duty, and organization employees performing required duties.
3. Weighing Out. All jockeys taking part in a race must be weighed out by the Clerk of Scales no more than one hour preceding the time designated for the race. Any overweight in excess of one pound shall be declared by the jockey to the Clerk of Scales, who shall report such overweight and any change in jockeys to the Stewards for immediate public announcement. A jockey's weight includes the riding costume, racing saddle and pad; but shall not include the jockey's safety helmet, whip, the horse's bridle or other regularly approved racing tack. A jockey must be neat in appearance and must wear a conventional riding costume.
4. Unruly Horses In The Paddock. If a horse is so unruly in the saddling paddock that the identifier cannot read the tattoo number and properly identify the horse; or if the trainer or their assistant is uncooperative in the effort to identify the horse, then the horse may be scratched by order of the stewards.
5. Use Of Equipment. No bridle shall weigh more than two pounds, nor shall any whip weigh more than one pound or be more than 31 inches in length. No whip shall be used unless it shall have affixed to the end thereof a leather "popper." All whips are subject to inspection and approval by the stewards. Blinkers are not to be placed on the horse until after the horse has been identified by the official identifier, except with permission of the stewards.
6. Prohibited Use Of Equipment. Jockeys are prohibited from whipping a horse excessively, brutally, or upon the head, except when necessary to control the horse. No mechanical or electrical devices or appliances other then the ordinary whip shall be possessed by any individual or used on any horse at any time a race meeting, whether in a race or otherwise.
7. Responsibility For Weight. The jockey, trainer and owner shall be responsible for the weight carried by the horse after the jockey has been weighed out for the race by the clerk of scales. The trainer or owner may substitute a jockey when the engaged jockey reports an overweight in excess of two pounds.
8. Safety Equipment Required. All persons, when mounted on a race horse within the enclosure or riding in a race, shall wear a properly fastened safety helmet and flak jacket. The Commission or the stewards may require any other person to wear such helmet and jacket when mounted on a horse within the enclosure. All safety helmets and flak jackets so required are subject to approval of the stewards or Commission.
9. Display Of Colors And Post Position Numbers. In a race, each horse shall carry a conspicuous saddle cloth number and a head number, and the jockey shall wear colors and a numbered helmet cover corresponding to the number of the horse which are furnished by the organization licensee.
10. Deposit Of Jockey Fee. The minimum jockey mount fee for a losing mount in the race must be on deposit with the horsemen's bookkeeper, prior to the time for weighing out, and failure to have such minimum fee on deposit is cause for disciplinary action and cause for the stewards to scratch the horse for which such fee is to be deposited. The organization assumes the obligation to pay the jockey fee when earned by the engaged jockey. The jockey fee shall be considered earned when the jockey is weighed out by the clerk of scales, unless, in the opinion of the stewards, such jockey capable of riding elect to take themselves off the mount without proper cause.
11. Requirements For Horse, Trainer, And Jockey. Every horse must be in the paddock at the time appointed by the stewards before post time for their race. Every horse must be saddled in the paddock stall designated by the paddock judge unless special permission is granted by the stewards to saddle elsewhere. Each trainer or their assistant trainer having the care and custody of such horse shall be present in the paddock to supervise the saddling of the horse and shall give such instructions as may be necessary to assure the best performance of the horse. Every jockey participating in a race shall give their best effort in order to facilitate the best performance of their horse.
12. Failure To Fulfill Jockey Engagements. No jockey engaged for a certain race or for a specified time may fail or refuse to abide by his or her agreement unless excused by the stewards.
13. Control And Parade Of Horses On The Track. The horses are under the control of the starter from the time they enter the track until dispatched at the start of the race. All horses with jockey mounted shall parade and warm up carrying their weight and wearing their equipment from the paddock to the starting gate, as well as to the finish line. Any horse failing to do so may be scratched by the stewards. After passing the stands at least once, the horses may break formation and warm up until directed to proceed to the starting gate. In the event a jockey is injured during the parade to post or at the starting gate and must be replaced, the horse shall be returned to the paddock and resaddled with the replacement jockey's equipment. Such horse must carry the replacement jockey to the starting gate.
14. Start Of The Race. When the horses have reached the starting gate, they shall be placed in their starting gate stalls in the order stipulated by the starter. Except in cases of emergency, every horse shall be started by the starter from a starting gate approved by the Commission. The starter shall see that the horses are placed in their proper positions without unnecessary delay. Causes for any delay in the start shall immediately be reported to the stewards. If, when the starter dispatches the field, the doors at the front of the starting gate stall should not open properly due to a mechanical failure of malfunction of the starting gate, the stewards may declare such horse to be a nonstarter. Should a horse which is not previously scratched not be in the starting gate stall thereby causing such horse to be left when the field is dispatched by the starter, such horse shall be declared a nonstarter by the stewards.
15. Leaving The Race Course. Should a horse leave the course while moving from the paddock to starting gate, he shall return to the course at the nearest practical point to that at which he left the course, and shall complete his parade to the starting gate from the point at which he left the course. However, should such horse leave the course to the extent that he is out of the direct line of sight of the stewards, or if such horse cannot be returned to the course within a reasonable amount of time, the stewards shall scratch the horse. Any horse which leaves the course or loses its jockey during the running of a race shall be disqualified and may be placed last, or the horse may be unplaced.
16. Riding Rules. In a straightaway race, every horse must maintain position as nearly as possible in the lane in which he starts. If a horse is ridden, drifts, or swerves out of their lane in such a manner that he interferes with or impedes another horse, it is a foul. Every jockey shall be responsible for making his best effort to control and guide his mount in such a way as not to cause a foul. The stewards shall take cognizance of riding which results in a foul, irrespective of whether an objection is lodged; and if in the opinion of the stewards a foul is committed as a result of a jockey not making his best effort to control and guide their mount to avoid a foul, whether intentionally or through carelessness or incompetence, such jockey may be penalized at the discretion of the stewards.
17. Stewards To Determine Fouls And Extent Of Disqualification. The stewards shall determine the extent of interference in cases of fouls or riding infractions. They may disqualify the offending horse and place it behind such other horses as in their judgment it interfered with, or they may place it last. The stewards may determine that a horse shall be unplaced.
18. Careless Riding. A jockey shall not ride carelessly or willfully so as to permit his or her mount to interfere with or impede any other horse in the race. A jockey shall not willfully strike at another horse or jockey so as to impede, interfere with, or injure the other horse or jockey. If a jockey rides in a manner contrary to this rule, the horse may be disqualified and/or the jockey may be fined and/or suspended, or otherwise disciplined.
19. Ramifications Of A Disqualification. When a horse is disqualified by the stewards, every horse in the race owned wholly or in part by the same owner, or trained by the same trainer, may be disqualified. When a horse is disqualified for interference in a time trial race, it shall receive the time of the horse it is placed behind plus 0.01 of a second penalty, or more exact measurement if photo finish equipment permits, and shall be eligible to qualify for the finals or consolations of the race on the basis of the assigned time.
20. Dead Heat. When a race results in a dead heat, the heat shall not be run off. The purse distribution due the horses involved in the dead heat shall be divided equally between them. All prizes or trophies for which a duplicate is not awardable shall be drawn for by lot.
21. Returning To The Finish After The Race. After the race, the jockey shall return their horse to the finish and before dismounting, salute the stewards. No person shall assist a jockey in removing from their horse the equipment that is to be included in the jockey's weight except by permission of the stewards. No person shall throw any covering over any horse at the place of dismounting until the jockey has removed the equipment that is to be included in his weight.
22. Objection - Inquiry Concerning Interference. Before the race has been declared official, a jockey, trainer or their assistant trainer, owner or their authorized agent of the horse, who has reasonable grounds to believe that their horse was interfered with or impeded or otherwise hindered during the running of a race, or that any riding rule was violated by any jockey or horse during the running of the race, may immediately make a claim of interference or foul with the stewards or their delegate. The stewards shall thereupon hold an inquiry into the running of the race; however, the stewards may upon their own motion conduct an inquiry into the running of a race. Any claim of foul, objection, and/or inquiry shall be immediately announced to the public.
23. Official Order Of Finish. When satisfied that the order of finish is correct, that all jockeys unless excused have been properly weighed in, and that the race has been properly run in accordance with the rules of the Commission, the Stewards shall declare that the order of finish is official; and it shall be announced to the public, confirmed, and the official order of finish posted for the race.
24. Time Trial Qualifiers. When two or more time trial contestants have the same qualifying time, to a degree of .01 of a second, or more exact measurement if photo finish equipment permits, for fewer positions in the finals or consolation necessary for all contestants, then a draw by lot will be conducted in accordance with Subsection R[
65]52-7-7(17). However, no contestant may draw into a finals or consolation instead of a contestant which out finished such contestant. When scheduled races are trial heats for futurities or stakes races electronically timed from the starting gates, no organization licensee shall move the starting gates or allow the starting gates to be moved until all trial heats are complete, except in an emergency as determined by the stewards.[
R65]R52-7-10. Objections and Protests; Hearing and Appeals.1. Stewards To Make Inquiry Or Investigation. The stewards shall make diligent inquiry or investigation into any complaint, objection or protest made either upon their own motion, by any Racing Official, or by any other person empowered by this Article to make such complaint, protest or objection.
2. Objections. Objections to the participation of a horse entered an any race shall be made to the stewards in writing and signed by the objector. Except for claim of foul or interference, an objection to a horse entered in a race shall be made not later than two hours prior to the scheduled post time for the first race on the day which the questioned horse is entered. Any such objection shall set forth the specific reason or grounds for the objection in such detail so as to establish probable cause for the objection. The stewards upon their own motion may consider an objection until such time as the horse becomes a starter. An objection concerning claim of foul in a race may be lodged verbally to the stewards before the race results are declared official.
3. Grounds For Objections. An objection to a horse which is entered in a race shall be made on the following grounds or reasons:
A. A misstatement, error or omission in the entry under which a horse is to run.
B. That the horse which is entered to run is not the horse it is represented to be at the time of entry, or that the age is erroneously given.
C. That the horse is not qualified to enter under the conditions specified for the race, or that the allowances are improperly claimed or not entitled the horse, or that the weight to be carried is incorrect under the conditions of the race.
D. That the horse is owned in whole or in part, or leased by a person ineligible to participate in racing or otherwise ineligible to run a race as provided in these Rules.
E. That reasonable grounds exist whereby a horse was interfered with or impeded or otherwise hindered by another horse or jockey during the running of a race.
4. Horse Subject To Objection. The stewards may scratch from the race any horse which is the subject of an objection if they have reasonable cause to believe that the objection is valid.
5. Protests. A protest against any horse which has started in a race shall be made to the stewards in writing, signed by the protestor, within 48 hours of the race, except as noted in Subsection R[
65]52-7-10(8). Any such protest shall set forth the specific reason or reasons for the protest in such detail as to establish probable cause for protest. The stewards upon their own motion may consider a protest at any time.6. Grounds For Protest. A protest may be made upon the following grounds:
A. Any ground for objection set forth in R[
65]52-1-10(3).B. That the order of finish as officially determined by the stewards was incorrect due to oversight or errors in the numbers designated to the horses which started in the race.
C. That a jockey, trainer or owner of a horse which started in the race was ineligible to participate in racing as provided in these rules.
D. That the weight carried by a horse was improper by reason of fraud or willful misconduct.
E. That an unfair advantage was gained in violation of the rules.
7. Persons Empowered To File Objection Or Protest. A jockey, trainer, owner or authorized agent of the horse which is entered or is a starter in a race is empowered to file an objection or protest against any other horse in such race upon the grounds set forth in this Article for objections and protests.
8. No Limitation On Time To File When Fraud Alleged. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article, the time limitation on the filing of protests shall not apply in any case in which fraud or willful misconduct is alleged, provided that the stewards are satisfied that the allegations are bona fide and susceptible to verification.
9. Frivolous Or Inaccurate Objection Or Protest. No person shall knowingly file a frivolous, inaccurate, false, or untruthful objection or protest; nor shall any person present his objection or protest to the stewards in a disrespectful or undignified manner.
10. Horse To Be Disqualified On Valid Protest. If a protest against a horse which has run in a race is declared valid, that horse may be disqualified. A horse so disqualified which was a starter in the said race, may be placed last in the order of finish or may be unplaced. The stewards or the Commission may order any purse, award or prize for any race withheld from distribution pending the determination of the protest(s). In the event any purse, award or prize has been distributed to a person on behalf of a horse which by protest or other reason is disqualified or determined not to be entitled to such purse, award or prize, the stewards or the Commission may order such purse, award or prize returned and redistributed to the rightful person. Any person who fails to comply with an order to return any purse, award or prize previously distributed shall be suspended until its return.
11. Notification Of And Representation At Hearing. Adequate notice of hearing shall be given to every summoned person in accordance with the procedures set forth in Subsection R[
65]52-7-3(6). Every person alleged to have committed a rule violation or who is called to testify before the stewards is entitled at the persons expense to have counsel present evidence and witnesses on his behalf and to cross-examine other witnesses at the hearing.12. Testimony And Evidence At Hearing. Every person called to a hearing before the stewards for a rule violation shall be allowed to present testimony, produce witnesses, cross-examine witnesses, and present documentary evidence in accordance with the rules of privilege recognized by law.
13. Duty Of Disclosure. It is the duty and obligation of every licensee to make full disclosure at a hearing before the Commission or before the stewards of any knowledge he or she possesses of a violation of any racing law or of the rules of the Commission. No person may refuse to testify at any hearing on any relevant matter except in the proper exercise of a legal privilege, nor shall any person testify falsely.
14. Failure To Appear. Any licensee or summoned person who fails to appear before the stewards or the Commission after they have been ordered personally or in writing to do so, may be suspended pending appearance before the stewards or the Commission. Nonappearance of a summoned person after adequate notice may be construed as a waiver of right to be present at a hearing.
15. Record Of Hearing. All hearings before the stewards or Commission shall be recorded. That portion at a hearing constituting deliberations in executive session need not be recorded. A written transcript or a copy of the tape recording shall be made available to any person alleged to have committed a violation of the Act or the rules upon written request and payment of appropriate reimbursement cost(s) for transcription or reproduction.
16. Vote On Steward's Decision. A majority vote shall decide any question to which the authority of the stewards extends. If a vote is not unanimous, the dissent steward shall provide a written record to the Commission of the reasons for such dissent within 72 hours of the vote.
17. Rulings By The Stewards. Any ruling or order issued by the stewards shall specify the full name of the licensee or person subject to the ruling or order; most recent address on file with the Commission; date of birth; social security number; statement of the offense charged including any rule number; date of ruling; fine and/or suspension imposed or other action taken; changes in the order of finish and purse distribution in a race, when appropriate; and any other information deemed necessary by the stewards or the Commission. Any member of a Board of Stewards may, after consultation with and by mutual agreement of the other stewards, issue an Order or Notice signed by one steward on behalf of the Board of Stewards. Subsequently, an Order containing all three stewards' signatures shall be made part of the official record.
18. Summary Suspension Of Occupation Licensee. If the stewards or the Commission find that the public health, safety, or welfare require emergency action and incorporates such finding to that effect in any Order, summary suspension may be ordered pending proceedings for revocation or other action, which proceedings shall be promptly initiated and held as provided in Subsection R[
65]52-7-10(19).19. Duration Of Suspension Or Revocation. Unless execution of an order of suspension or revocation is stayed by the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction, a person's occupation license, suspended or revoked, shall remain suspended or revoked until the final determination has been made pursuant to the provisions of Section R[
65]52-7-5.20. Grounds For Appeal From Decision Of The Stewards. Any decision of the stewards, except decisions regarding disqualifications for interference during the running of a race, may be appealed to the Commission; and such decision may be overruled if it is found by a preponderance of evidence that:
A. The stewards mistakenly interpreted the law; or
B. The Appellant produces new evidence of a convincing nature which, if found to be true, would require the overruling of the decision; or
C. The best interests of racing and the State may be better served.
21. Appeal From Decision Of The Stewards. The Commission shall review hearings of any case referred to the Commission by the stewards or appealed to the Commission from the decisions of the stewards except as otherwise provided in this Article. Upon every appealable decision of the stewards, the person subject to the decision or Order shall be made aware of his right to an appeal before the Commission and the necessary procedures thereof. Appeals shall be made no later than 72 hours or the third calendar day from the date of the rendering of the decision of the stewards unless the Commission for good cause extends the time for filing not to exceed 30 days from said rendering date. The appeal shall be in writing, signed by the appellant; shall contain his full name, present mailing address, and present phone number; and shall set forth the facts and any new evidence the appellant believes to be grounds for an appeal before the Commission. Action on such a hearing request must commence by the Commission within 30 days of the filing of the appeal. An appeal shall not affect a decision of the stewards until the appeal has been sustained or dismissed or a stay order issued.
22. Appointment Of Hearing Examiners. When directed by the Commission, any qualified person(s) may sit as a hearing examiner(s) for the taking of evidence in any matter pending before the Commission. Any such hearing examiner shall report to the Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, and the Commission shall determine the matter as if such evidence had been presented to the full Commission.
23. Hearings On Agreement. Persons aggrieved as of the result of a stewards' ruling in a preliminary or trial race may request a hearing before the executive director of the Commission to review same. If all interested parties waive the right to receive ten day notice of hearing, such a hearing may be heard on a day certain within seven days after the preliminary or trial race in question. All such appeals shall be heard on days set by the executive director of the Commission or anyone acting in his stead.
24. Temporary Stay Order. The Executive Director may, upon consultation with the direction of a minimum of three Commissioners, issue or deny a temporary stay order to stay execution of any ruling, order or decision of the stewards except stewards' decisions regarding disqualifications for interference during the running of a race. Any application for a temporary stay shall be in writing, signed by the appellant; shall contain his full name, present mailing address, and present phone number; shall set forth the facts and any evidence to justify the issuance of the stay; and shall be filed with the Office of the Commission as specified in Subsection R[
65]52-7-3(7). The granting of a temporary stay order shall carry no presumption that the stayed decision of the stewards is or may be invalid, and a temporary stay order may be dissolved at any time by further order of the executive director upon consultation with and the direction of a minimum of three Commissioners.25. Appearance At Hearing Upon Appeal. The Commission shall notify the Appellant and the stewards of the date, time and location of its hearing in the matter upon appeal. The burden shall be on the appellant to provide the facts necessary to sustain the appeal.
26. Complaints Against Officials. Any complaint against a racing official other than a steward shall be made to the stewards in writing and signed by the complainant. All such complaints shall be reported to the Commission by the stewards, together with a report of the action taken or the recommendation of the stewards. Complaints against any stewards shall be made in writing to the executive director of the Commission and signed by the complainant.
27. Rulings On Admissibility And Evidence. In all hearings, the chairperson, chief steward or such other person as may be designated, shall make rulings on admissibility and introduction of evidence. Such a ruling shall prevail; except when a Commission member or a steward requests a poll of the panel, and the ruling overturned by majority vote.
R65]R52-7-11. General Conduct.1. Conditions Of Meeting Binding Upon Licensees. The Commission, recognizing the necessity for an organization to comply with the requirements of its license and to fulfill its obligation to the public and the State of Utah with the best possible uninterrupted services in the comparatively short licensed period, herein provides that all organizations, officials, horsemen, owners, trainers, jockeys, grooms, farriers, organization employees, and all licensees who have accepted directly or indirectly, with reasonable advance notice, the conditions defined by these rules under which said organization engages and plans to conduct such race meeting, shall be bound thereby.
2. Trainer Responsibility. The trainer is presumed to know the "Rules of Racing" and is responsible for the condition, soundness, and eligibility of the horses he enters in a race. Should the chemical analysis, urine or otherwise, taken from a horse under his supervision show the presence of any drug or medication of any kind or substance, whether drug or otherwise, regardless of the time it may have been administered, it shall be taken as prima facie evidence that the same was administered by or with the knowledge of the trainer or person or persons under his supervision having care or custody of such horse. At the discretion of the stewards or Commission, the trainer and all other persons shown to have had care or custody of such horse may be fined or suspended or both. Under the provisions of this rule, the trainer is also responsible for any puncture mark on any horse he enters in a race, found by the stewards upon recommendation of the official veterinarian to evidence injection by syringe. If the trainer cannot be present on race day, he shall designate an assistant trainer. Such designation shall be made prior to time of entry, unless otherwise approved by the stewards. Failure to fully disclose the actual trainer of a horse participating in an approved race shall be grounds to disqualify the horse, and subject the actual trainer to possible disciplinary action by the stewards or the Commission. Designation of an assistant trainer shall not relieve the trainer's absolute responsibility for the conditions and eligibility of the horse, but shall place the assistant trainer under such absolute responsibility also. Willful failure on the part of the trainer to be present at, or refusal to allow the taking of any specimen, or any act or threat to prevent or otherwise interfere therewith shall be cause for disqualification of the horse involved; and the matter shall be referred to the stewards for further action.
3. Altering Sex Of Horse. Any alteration to the sex of a horse from the sex as recorded on the Certificate of Foal Registration or other official registration Certificate of such horse shall be immediately reported by the trainer to the racing secretary and the official horse identifier if such horse is registered to race at any race meeting.
4. Official Workouts And Schooling Races. No trainer shall permit a horse in his charge to be taken on to the track for training or a workout except during hours designated by the organization. A trainer desiring to engage a horse in a workout or schooling race shall, prior to such workout or race, identify the horse by registered name and tattoo number when requested to do so by the stewards or their authorized representative.
5. Intoxication. No licensee, employee of the organization or its concessionaires, shall be under the influence of intoxicating liquor, the combined influence of intoxicating liquor and any controlled dangerous substance, or under the influence of any narcotic or other drug while within the enclosure. No person shall in any manner or at any time disturb the peace or make themselves obnoxious on the enclosure of an organization.
6. Firearms. No person shall possess any firearm within the enclosure unless he is a fully qualified peace officer as defined in the laws of the State of Utah, or is acting in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7, Concealed Weapons Act and Title 76, chapter 10, Part 5, Utah Code. A person carrying a concealed weapon may be asked to show a valid, current concealed weapons permit before being allowed to enter the facility.
7. Financial Responsibility. No licensee shall willfully and deliberately fail or refuse to pay any monies when due for any service, supplies or fees connected with his operations as a licensee; nor shall he falsely deny any such amount due or the validity of the complaint thereof with the purpose of hindering or delaying or defrauding the person to whom such indebtedness is due. A commission authorized license may be suspended pending settlement of the financial obligation. Any financial responsibility complaint against a licensee shall be in writing, signed by the complainant, and accompanied by documentation of the services, supplies or fees alleged to be due, or by a judgment from a court.
8. Checks. No licensee shall write, issue, make or present a bad check in payment for any license fee, fine, nomination or entry fee or other fees, or for any service or supplies. The fact that such check is returned to the payee by the bank as refused is a ground for suspension pending satisfactory redemption of the returned check.
9. Gratuity To Starter Or Assistant Starter. No person shall offer or give money or other gratuity to any starter or assistant starter, nor shall any starter or assistant starter receive money or other compensation, gratuity or reward, in connection with the running of any race or races except compensation received from an organization for official duties.
10. Possession Of Contraband. No person other than a veterinarian or an animal technician licensed by the Commission shall have in his possession within the enclosure during sanctioned meetings any prohibited substance, or any hypodermic syringe or hypodermic needle or similar instrument which may be used for injection except as provided in Subsection R[
65]52-7-8(1). No person shall have in his or her possession within the enclosure during any recognized meeting any device other than the ordinary whip which can be used for the purpose of stimulating or depressing the horse or affecting its speed at any time. The stewards may permit the possession of drugs or appliances by a licensee for personal medical needs under such conditions as the stewards may impose.11. Bribes. No person shall give, or offer or promise to give, or attempt to give or offer any money, bribe or thing of value to any owner, trainer, jockey, agent, or any other person participating in the conduct of a race meeting in any capacity, with the intention, understanding or agreement that such owner, trainer, jockey, agent or other person shall not use his best efforts to win a race or so conduct himself in such race that any other participant in such race shall be assisted or enabled to win such race; nor shall any trainer, jockey, owner, agent or other person participating at any race meeting accept, offer to accept, or agree to accept any money, bribe or thing of value with the intention, understanding or agreement that he will not use his best efforts to win a race or to so conduct himself that any other horse or horses entered in such race shall thereby be assisted or enabled to win such race.
12. Trainer's Duty To Ensure Licensed Participation. No trainer shall have in his custody within the enclosure of any race meeting any horse owned in whole or in part by any person who is not licensed as a horse owner by the Commission unless such owner has filed an application for license as a horse owner with the Commission and the same is pending before the Commission; nor shall any trainer have in his employ within the enclosure any groom, stable employee, stable agent, or other person required to be licensed, unless such person has a valid license. All changes of commissioned licensed personnel shall be reported immediately to the Commission.
13. Conduct Detrimental To Horse Racing. No licensee shall engage in any conduct prohibited by law and by the rules of the Commission, nor shall any licensee engage in any conduct which by its nature is unsportsmanlike or detrimental to the best interest of horse racing.
14. Denial Of Access To Private Property. Nothing contained in these rules shall be deemed, expressly or implicitly, to prevent an organization from exercising the right to deny access to or to remove any person from the organization's premises or property for just cause.
15. Tricks/Schemes. No person shall falsify, conceal, or cover up by trick, scheme, or device a material fact; or make any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations; or make or use any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry regarding the prior racing record, pedigree, identity, or ownership of a registered animal in any matter related to the breeding, buying selling, or racing of such animal.
16. Prearranging The Outcome Of A Race. No licensed or unlicensed person may attempt or conspire to prearrange the outcome of a race.
R65]R52-7-12. Fire Prevention and Security.. . . . . . .
R65]R52-7-13. Drugs and Medication Exceptions and Illegal Practices.. . . . . . .
KEY: horses
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
June 9, 2003]2009Notice of Continuation: August 29, 2006
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 4-38-4
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 4/21/2009
- Publication Date:
- 03/15/2009
- Filed Date:
- 02/24/2009
- Agencies:
- Agriculture and Food,Marketing and Development
- Rulemaking Authority:
Title 4, Chapter 38
- Authorized By:
- Leonard M. Blackham, Commissioner
- DAR File No.:
- 32401
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- R65-7. Horse Racing.