R994-401-202. Wages Used to Determine Monetary Eligibility  

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  •   (1) "Wages paid" include those wages actually received by the worker and wages constructively paid, provided the employer's liability for payment has become unconditionally established. Wages are considered constructively paid, for the purposes of this section, on the earliest of: the next regular pay day in accordance with the employer's customary payment practices, the day required by contractual agreement, or as required by state law.

      (2) Quarterly wages are all wages paid or constructively paid during a quarter regardless of when those wages are earned. Bonus or lump sum payments which do not meet the definition of vacation and severance pay in R994-405-701 et seq, made within the quarter which were not due on any specific day shall be treated as wages paid during the quarter in which the payment is made unless a request is made by the claimant for apportionment to the calendar quarters in which the remuneration was earned. Any such request must be received by the Department within ten days of the issuance of the monetary determination as provided by Subsection 35A-4-401(7).