R986-400-406. Failure to Comply with the Requirements of an Employment Plan  

Latest version.
  • (1) If a client fails to comply with the requirements of the employment plan without reasonable cause, financial assistance will be terminated immediately. Reasonable cause under this section means the client was prevented from participating through no fault of his or her own or failed to participate for reasons that are reasonable and compelling and may include reasons like verified illness or extraordinary transportation problems.

    (2) If a client's financial assistance has been terminated under this section, the client is not eligible for further assistance as follows:

    (a) the first time financial assistance is terminated, the client must resolve the reason for the termination and participate to the maximum extent possible in all of the required activities of the employment plan. The client does not need to reapply if he or she resolves the reason for termination by the end of the month following the termination;

    (b) the second time financial assistance is terminated, the client will be ineligible for financial assistance for a minimum of one month and can only become eligible again upon completing a new application and participating to the maximum extent possible in the required employment activity; and

    (c) the third and subsequent time financial assistance is terminated, the client will be ineligible for a minimum of six months and can only become eligible again upon completing a new application and actively participating in the required employment activity.