R986-200-238. How to Calculate Income  

Latest version.
  • (1) To determine if a client is eligible for, and the amount of, a financial assistance payment, the Department estimates the anticipated income, assets and household size for each month in the certification period.

    (2) The methods used for estimating income are:

    (a) income averaging or annualizing which means using a history of past income that is representative of future income and averaging it to determine anticipated future monthly income. It may be necessary to evaluate the history of past income for a full year or more; and

    (b) income anticipating which means using current facts such as rate of pay and hourly wage to anticipate future monthly income when no reliable history is available.

    (3) Monthly income is calculated by multiplying the average weekly income by 4.3 weeks. If a client is paid every two weeks, the income for those two weeks is multiplied by 2.15 weeks to determine monthly income.

    (4) The Department's estimate of income, when based on the best available information at the time it was made, will be determined to be an accurate reflection of the client's income. If it is later determined the actual income was different than the estimate, no adjustment will be made. If the client notifies the Department of a change in circumstances affecting income, the estimated income can be adjusted prospectively but not retrospectively.