R986-100-107. Client Rights  

Latest version.
  • (1) A client may apply or reapply at any time for any program listed in R986-100-102 by completing and signing an application and turning it in, in person or by mail, at the local office.

    (2) If a client needs help to apply, help will be given by the local office staff.

    (3) No individual will be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability.

    (4) A client's home will not be entered without permission.

    (5) Advance notice will be given if the client must be visited at home outside Department working hours.

    (6) A client may request an agency conference to reconcile any dispute which may exist with the Department.

    (7) Information about a client obtained by the Department will be safeguarded.

    (8) If the client is physically or mentally incapable or has demonstrated an inability to manage funds, the Department may make payment to a protective payee.