R951-1. Campus Access Rule  

R951-1-1. Expressive Activities
Latest version.

  (a) The College permits non-disruptive expressive activities in the outdoor areas of campus.

  (b) Expressive activities must take place during normal operational hours of the College on days when the College is open (as designated on the official College calendar.)

  (c) Expressive activities may not unreasonably interfere with or disrupt College operations or planned campus activities.

  (d) While prior written notification of a planned expressive activity (in writing or electronic mail) to Campus Security is preferred, such notice is not required.

  (e) Termination of Expressive Activity.

  (i) The College reserves the right to terminate an expressive activity when, in the opinion of the College President, Campus Security, or the College President's designee, the expressive activity becomes a danger to or interferes with the operations of the College.

  (ii) Indicators that an expressive activity is disruptive, or a danger to, or interferes with operations of the College community include:

  (A) Illegal possession or use of weapons;

  (B) Physical contact between individuals involved in the expressive activity and members of the College community or general public;

  (C) Sustained speech which incites violence or calls for immediate violent action;

  (D) Damage to College property or facilities;

  (E) Any attempt to block or obstruct building entrances, walkways or vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

  (F) Activity which is commercial in nature (i.e. members of the College community are solicited for money in exchange for goods, services, or are offered other material or immaterial rewards for participating in the expressive activity.)

  (iii) If an expressive activity must be brought to termination, Campus Security will coordinate with local law enforcement including the St George Police Department and/or the Washington County Sherriff's Office.

  (f) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prohibit a member of the College community or the public from spontaneously and contemporaneously assembling in an outdoor area of the campus to engage in expressive activity so long as the conduct is lawful and does not violate the provisions of this rule. Nevertheless, the College reserves the right to move a spontaneous expressive activity to a location which, in the professional judgement of the College President, Campus Security, or the College President's designee, is safer for the College community.

R951-1-2. Indoor Facilities Are Protected Areas Due to Instructional and Safety Concerns
Latest version.

  (a) The indoor areas of the campus are available to employees, affiliates and guests as outlined in this rule.

  (i) Employees may access any College facility which is necessary and appropriate for the completion of their assigned duties.

  (ii) Students are permitted access to the classrooms/labs during established class hours. They may access classrooms/labs at other times only with the express permission of an instructor or College administrator.

  (iii) Affiliates may access facilities which are expressly assigned to them through a formal written agreement with the College or any facility when accompanied by an instructor or College administrator or the administrator's designee.

  (iv) Guests may access facilities which would reasonably be considered public (café, bookstore, lobby, etc.) any time such facilities are open. They may access other campus facilities if they have been specifically invited by (or are accompanied by) a College administrator or the administrator's designee.

  (v) Individuals who do not fit one of the listed categories (employee, student, affiliate or guest) are not permitted access to indoor College facilities unless they are accompanied by a member of the administration at the level of Director or Executive.

  (b) Spaces designated through signage as mechanical, electrical, or otherwise restricted access may not be entered by anyone without express permission from a College administrator or authorized employee.

R951-1-3. Violation of Rule
Latest version.

  (a) Individuals who violate this rule will be asked to leave by Campus Security, the College President, or the College President's designee. Should they fail to comply with the request, local law enforcement will be notified.

  (b) Students and/or staff members who violate the provisions of this rule may be subject to disciplinary action.

  (c) If a faculty member or other employee becomes aware of a violation of this rule, they are directed to notify security or their immediate supervisor who will take appropriate action.

R951-1-4. Definitions
Latest version.

  (a) Expressive activity -- Any non-commercial activity which includes peacefully assembling, protesting or speaking; distributing literature; carrying a sign; or circulating a petition.

  (b) Employee -- any individual who is directly remunerated through the College payroll system for work performed on behalf of the College.

  (c) Student -- any individual who is currently identified as actively enrolled in the College student information system.

  (d) Affiliate -- non-employee, non-student who has a formal, recognized connection to the College including (but not limited to) vendors, volunteers, and state, local, and federal government officials.

  (e) Guest -- any individual (not a student, employee or affiliate) who is hosted by an employee or affiliate of the College or any individual who can demonstrate legitimate business with the College such as enrollment, pre-enrollment investigation, testing or need to access other services.

  (f) College community -- The group of individuals having some direct, legal relationship with the College such as employees, students, affiliates, or guests.