R940-6-1. Definitions  

Latest version.
  •   (1) "ADT" means average daily traffic, which is the volume of traffic on a road, annualized to a daily average.

      (2) "Capacity" means the maximum hourly rate at which vehicles reasonably can be expected to traverse a point or a uniform section of a lane or roadway during a given time period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions.

      (3) "Commission" means the Transportation Commission, which is created in Section 72-1-301.

      (4) "Economic Development" may include such things as employment growth, employment retention, retail sales, tourism growth, freight movements, tax base increase, and traveler or user cost savings in relation to construction costs.

      (5) "Functional Classification" means the description of the road as one of the following:

      (a) Rural Interstate;

      (b) Rural Other Principal Arterial;

      (c) Rural Minor Arterial;

      (d) Rural Major Collector;

      (e) Urban Interstate;

      (f) Urban Other Freeway and Expressway;

      (g) Urban Other Principal Arterial;

      (h) Urban Minor Arterial; or

      (i) Urban Collector.

      (6) "Major New Capacity Project" means a transportation project that costs more than $5,000,000 and accomplishes any of the following:

      (a) Add new roads and interchanges;

      (b) Add new lanes; or

      (c) Modify existing interchange(s) for capacity or economic development purpose.

      (7) "Mobility" means the movement of people and goods.

      (8) "MPO" as used in this section means metropolitan planning organization as defined in Section 72-1-208.5.

      (9) "Safety" means an analysis of the current safety conditions of a transportation facility. It includes an analysis of crash rates and crash severity.

      (10) "Strategic Goals" means the Utah Department of Transportation strategic goals.

      (11) "Strategic Initiatives" means the implementation strategies the department will use to achieve the strategic goals.

      (12) "Transportation Efficiency" is the roadway attributes such as ADT, truck ADT, volume to capacity ratio, roadway functional classification, and transportation growth.

      (13) "Transportation Growth" means the projected percentage of average annual increase in ADT.

      (14) "Truck ADT" means the ADT of truck traffic on a road, annualized to a daily average.

      (15) "Volume to Capacity Ratio" means the ratio of hourly volume of traffic to capacity for a transportation facility (measure of congestion).