R926-10-3. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise stated in this rule, terms used in this rule are defined in the applicable Statutes. The following additional terms are defined for this rule:

    (1) "Commission" means the Utah Transportation Commission, which is created in Utah Code Ann. Section 72-1-301.

    (2) "Department" means the Utah Department of Transportation, which is created in Utah Code Ann. Section 72-1-101.

    (3) "Executive Director" means the executive director of the Department.

    (4) "Proposer" means private entities that submit letters of interest, qualifications, or proposals under these rules for the purposes of entering into a tollway development agreement with the Department, and may include a person or persons, firms, partnerships or companies or any combination or consortium thereof.

    (5) "Public-Private Partnership" means an agreement, including but not limited to tollway development agreements, between the Department and one or more public or private entities where there is private sector involvement in predevelopment activities, design, construction, reconstruction, financing, acquisition, maintenance or operations. Public private partnership agreements may include reallocations of the traditional risk assignments between the parties to the agreement.

    (6) "State" means the State of Utah.