Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R884. Tax Commission, Property Tax |
R884-24P. Property Tax |
R884-24P-60. Age-Based Uniform Fee on Tangible Personal Property Required to be Registered with the State Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-2-405.1
A. For purposes of Section 59-2-405.1, "motor vehicle" is as defined in Section 41-1a-102, except that motor vehicle does not include motorcycles as defined in Section 41-1a-102.
B. The uniform fee established in Section 59-2-405.1 is levied against motor vehicles and state-assessed commercial vehicles classified under Class 22 - Passenger Cars, Light Trucks/Utility Vehicles, and Vans, in Tax Commission rule R884-24P- 33.
C. Personal property subject to the uniform fee imposed in Section 59-2-405 is not subject to the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee.
D. The following classes of personal property are not subject to the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee, but remain subject to the ad valorem property tax:
1. vintage vehicles;
2. state-assessed commercial vehicles not classified under Class 22 - Passenger Cars, Light Trucks/Utility Vehicles, and Vans;
3. any personal property that is neither required to be registered nor exempt from the ad valorem property tax;
4. mobile and manufactured homes;
5. machinery or equipment that can function only when attached to or used in conjunction with motor vehicles or state-assessed commercial vehicles.
E. The age of a motor vehicle or state-assessed commercial vehicle, for purposes of Section 59-2-405.1, shall be determined by subtracting the vehicle model year from the current calendar year.
F. The only Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee due upon registration or renewal of registration is the uniform fee calculated based on the age of the vehicle under E. on the first day of the registration period for which the registrant:
1. in the case of an original registration, registers the vehicle; or
2. in the case of a renewal of registration, renews the registration of the vehicle in accordance with Section 41-1a-216.
G. Centrally assessed taxpayers shall use the following formula to determine the value of locally assessed motor vehicles that may be deducted from the allocated unit valuation:
1. Divide the system value by the book value to determine the market to book ratio.
2. Multiply the market to book ratio by the book value of motor vehicles registered in Utah and subject to Section 59-2-405.1 to determine the value of motor vehicles that may be subtracted from the allocated unit value.
H. The motor vehicle of a nonresident member of the armed forces stationed in Utah may be registered in Utah without payment of the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee.
I. A motor vehicle belonging to a Utah resident member of the armed forces stationed in another state is not subject to the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee at the time of registration or renewal of registration as long as the motor vehicle is kept in the other state.
J. The situs of a motor vehicle or state-assessed commercial vehicle subject to the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee is determined in accordance with Section 59-2-104. Situs of purchased motor vehicles or state-assessed commercial vehicles shall be the tax area of the purchaser's domicile, unless the motor vehicle or state-assessed commercial vehicle will be kept in a tax area other than the tax area of the purchaser's domicile for more than six months of the year.
1. If an assessor discovers a motor vehicle or state-assessed commercial vehicle that is kept in the assessor's county but registered in another, the assessor may submit an affidavit along with evidence that the vehicle is kept in that county to the assessor of the county in which the vehicle is registered. Upon agreement, the assessor of the county of registration shall forward the fee collected to the county of situs within 30 working days.
2. If the owner of a motor vehicle or state-assessed commercial vehicle registered in Utah is domiciled outside of Utah, the taxable situs of the vehicle is presumed to be the county in which the uniform fee was paid, unless an assessor's affidavit establishes otherwise.
3. The Tax Commission shall, on an annual basis, provide each county assessor information indicating all motor vehicles and state-assessed commercial vehicles subject to state registration and their corresponding taxable situs.
4. Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fees received by a county that require distribution to a purchaser's domicile outside of that county shall be deposited into an account established by the Commission, pursuant to procedures prescribed by the Commission.
5. Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fees received by the Commission pursuant to J.4. shall be distributed to the appropriate county at least monthly.
K. The blind exemption provided in Section 59-2-1106 is applicable to the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee.
L. The veteran's exemption provided in Section 59-2-1104 is applicable to the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee.
M. The value of motor vehicles and state-assessed commercial vehicles to be considered part of the tax base for purposes of determining debt limitations pursuant to Article XIII, Section 14 of the Utah Constitution, shall be determined by dividing the Section 59-2-405.1 uniform fee collected by .015.
N. The provisions of this rule shall be implemented and become binding on taxpayers beginning January 1, 1999.