R884-24P-44. Farm Machinery and Equipment Exemption Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-2-102 and 59-2-1101  

Latest version.
  • A. The use of the machinery and equipment, whether by the claimant or a lessee, shall determine the exemption.

    1. For purposes of this rule, the term owner includes a purchaser under an installment purchase contract or capitalized lease where ownership passes to the purchaser at the end of the contract without the exercise of an option on behalf of the purchaser or seller.

    B. Farm machinery and equipment is used primarily for agricultural purposes if it is used primarily for the production or harvesting of agricultural products.

    C. The following machinery and equipment is used primarily for the production or harvesting of agricultural products:

    1. Machinery and equipment used on the farm for storage, cooling, or freezing of fruits or vegetables;

    2. Except as provided in C.3., machinery and equipment used in fruit or vegetable growing operations if the machinery and equipment does not physically alter the fruit or vegetables; and

    3. Machinery and equipment that physically alters the form of fruits or vegetables if the operations performed by the machinery or equipment are reasonable and necessary in the preparation of the fruit or vegetables for wholesale marketing.

    D. Machinery and equipment used for processing of agricultural products are not exempt.