R850-50-1400. Trespass  

Latest version.
  •   1. Unauthorized activities which occur on trust land shall be considered trespass and damages shall be assessed pursuant to 53C-2-301. These activities include:

      (a) the use of forage at times and at places not authorized by the permit;

      (b) the use of forage in excess of that authorized by the permit;

      (c) grazing or trailing livestock on or across trust land without a valid permit or right-of-entry;

      (d) the dumping of garbage or any other material on the trust land; and

      (e) allowing another person to graze or trail livestock on the permitted property without the express written consent of the agency.

      2. The permittee shall cooperate with the agency in taking civil action against the owners of trespass livestock to recover damages for lost forage and other damages.