R746-356-6. Presubscription Selection Procedures  

Latest version.
  • A. Initial and Subsequent Orders -- The initial and subsequent orders for presubscribed PIC selections of customers shall be placed with a LEC by the customers or carriers, and confirmed pursuant to any FCC requirements and R746-349-3, Filing Requirements.

    B. Multiple PIC Change Orders -- When a LEC receives multiple PIC change orders for the same customer, the LEC shall process and implement the PIC change order with the latest date.

    C. Authorized Selections -- PIC presubscription selections shall only be authorized and valid when made by the "account holder" as defined in R746-240-2(A).

    D. Payphone and Shared Tenent Services -- IntraLATA PIC presubscription shall be available to public and semi-public pay phone services and to Shared Tenant Services (STS). When the LEC receives differing PIC selection directions from a pay phone service or a STS provider and a premises owner, or a legally authorized representative of the premises owner, the LEC will assign the PIC selection of the owner.

    E. Automatic PIC Assignment -- During the initial intraLATA equal access implementation of each exchange or central office, the existing customers that do not provide a PIC selection to the LEC, or to an equal access requesting carrier, will automatically receive the equal access PIC of the LEC serving the customer.