R746-349-5. Change of Service Provider  

Latest version.
  • A. All requests for termination of local exchange or intrastate toll service from an existing telecommunications corporation and subsequent transfer to a new carrier must be in compliance with 47 CFR 64.1100 and 1150, 1996, incorporated by this reference.

    B. A telecommunications provider will be held liable for both the unauthorized termination of a customer's service with an existing carrier and the subsequent unauthorized transfer to the providers's own service. Telecommunications providers are responsible for unauthorized service terminations and transfers resulting from the actions of their agents. A carrier that engages in the unauthorized activity shall restore the customer's service to the original carrier without charge to the customer. Customer charges during the unauthorized period shall be the lesser of the charges charged by the original provider or the unauthorized provider. Violators may be punished pursuant to 54-7-25 through 54-7-28. The telecommunications provider responsible for the unauthorized transfer shall reimburse the customer or the original carrier for reestablishing service to the customer at the applicable tariff, price list or contract rate of the original carrier.