R746-312-11. Interconnection Metering  

Latest version.
  • (1) Metering: For generating facilities not subject to the provisions of Section 54-15, the interconnection customer shall be responsible for the cost of the purchase and installation of any special metering and data acquisition equipment deemed necessary by the terms of the interconnection agreement unless the public utility determines otherwise. The public utility must install, maintain and operate the metering equipment. The parties must mutually grant unrestricted access to such equipment as may be necessary for the purposes of conducting routine business.

    (2) For generating facilities subject to the provisions of Section 54-15, metering equipment and costs for such metering equipment shall be determined as specified in Section 54-15-103. The public utility must install, maintain and operate the metering equipment. The parties must mutually grant unrestricted access to such equipment as may be necessary for the purposes of conducting routine business.