R70-320-12. Farms Producing Milk for Manufacturing  

Latest version.
  • A. Milking Facility and Housing.

    1. A milking barn or milking parlor of adequate size and arrangement shall be provided to permit normal sanitary milking operations. It shall be well lighted and ventilated, and the floors and gutters in the milking area shall be constructed of concrete or other impervious material. The facility shall be kept clean, the manure removed daily and no swine, fowl, or other animals shall be permitted in any part of the milking area. Concentrates and feed, if stored in the building, shall be kept in a tightly covered box or bin.

    2. Animal biologics and other drugs intended for treatment of animals, and insecticides approved for use in dairy operations, shall be clearly labeled and used in accordance with label instructions, and shall be stored in a manner which will prevent accidental contact with milk and milk contact surfaces. Only drugs that are approved by the FDA or biologics approved by the USDA for use in dairy animals that are properly labeled according to FDA or USDA regulations shall be administered. When drug storage is located in the milkroom, milkhouse, or milking area, the drugs shall be stored in a closed, tight-fitting storage unit. Drugs shall be segregated in such a way so that drugs labeled for use in lactating dairy animals are separated from drugs labeled for use in non-lactating dairy animals.

    3. The yard or loafing area shall be of ample size to prevent overcrowding, shall be drained to prevent forming of water pools, and shall be kept clean.

    B. Milking Procedure.

    1. The udders and flanks of all milking cows shall be kept clean. The udders and teats shall be washed, sanitized and wiped dry with a clean damp cloth, paper towel or any other sanitary method. The milker's clothing shall be clean and his hands clean and dry. No person with an infected cut or open sore on the person's hands or arms shall milk cows, or handle milk or milk containers, utensils or equipment.

    2. Milk stools and surcingles shall be kept clean and properly stored. Dusty operations shall not be conducted immediately before or during milking.

    3. Milk must be protected against contamination while straining.

    C. Cooling

    1. Milk shall be cooled to 45 degrees F or lower within two hours after each milking and maintained at 45 degrees F or lower until transferred to the transport tank.

    D. Milkhouse or Milkroom.

    1. A milkhouse or milkroom conveniently located and properly constructed, lighted, and ventilated shall be provided for handling and storing the utensils and equipment. It shall not be used for any other purpose, and shall be equipped with hot water, two compartment wash vat, utensil rack and cooling facilities for the milk. It shall be partitioned, sealed, and screened to prevent the entrance of dust, flies, or other contamination. The floor of the building shall be of concrete or other impervious material and graded to a drain. The walls and ceilings shall be constructed of smooth easily cleaned material. All outside doors shall be self-closing. At least 20 foot candles of light shall be provided in all working areas.

    2. The farm tank shall be properly located in the milkroom. There shall not be less than 18 inches clearance with 24 inches recommended on three sides of the tank and a minimum of 36 inches on the outlet side of the tank for access to all areas for cleaning and servicing. It may not be located over a floor drain, under a ventilator or under a light fixture.

    3. An adequate platform or slab constructed of concrete or other impervious material shall be provided outside the milk house, properly centered under a suitable port opening in the wall of the milkhouse. The opening shall be fitted with a tight self-closing door. The truck approach to the milkhouse or milkroom shall be properly graded and surfaced to prevent mud or pooling of water at the point of loading.

    4. Building plan approval. Plans for new dairy building construction or remodeling shall be submitted to the Department for approval before construction begins.

    E. Utensils and Equipment.

    1. Utensils, milk coolers, milking machines (including pipeline systems) and other equipment used in the handling of milk shall be maintained in good repair, and shall be washed, rinsed and drained after each milking, stored in suitable facilities, and sanitized immediately before use. Farm bulk tanks shall meet 3-A Sanitary Standards for construction at the time of installation and shall be properly installed.

    F. Water Supply.

    1. The dairy farm water supply shall be approved, properly protected and of safe, sanitary quality, and have ample water and pressure for the cleaning of dairy utensils and equipment.

    2. An automatic hot water storage tank (pressure type) of adequate size shall be provided but shall not be less than 30 gallon capacity and equipped with a thermostat capable of maintaining water temperature at least 140 degrees F. Gas water heaters, if used, shall be properly ventilated.

    G. Sewage Disposal. Sewage shall be disposed of in a manner that complies with the State Health and EPA requirements.

    H. There shall be available in the milkhouse or room a dairy type thermometer, accurate within two degrees F., integral with the tank construction or operation. The driver shall possess an accurate approved type thermometer. The driver shall check periodically the thermometer by a qualified method to determine its accuracy. Thermometers must be properly sanitized before each use.

    I. Qualifications for Farm Certification. Farm certification requires compliance with the items listed on the Farm Certification Report Form as follows:

    1. A rating of satisfactory for all items in A--Facilities and

    2. A total rating of not less than 85 percent for the applicable items in B--Methods, provided no individual item is rated less than 75 percent of its maximum score.