R68-27-4. Cannabis Cultivation Facility Requirements  

Latest version.
  •   1) A cannabis cultivation facility operating plan shall contain a blue print or diagrams of the facility containing the following information:

      a) for indoor cannabis cultivation, the square footage of the areas where cannabis is to be propagated;

      b) for indoor cannabis cultivation, the square footage of the areas where cannabis is to be grown;

      c) the square footage of the areas where cannabis is to be harvested;

      d) the areas where cannabis is to be dried, trimmed and cured;

      e) the square footage of the areas where cannabis is to be packaged for wholesale;

      f) the total square footage of the cultivation facility;

      g) the square footage and location of areas to be used as storerooms;

      h) the location of the toilet facilities and hand washing facilities;

      i) the location of a break room and location of personal belonging lockers; and

      j) the location of the areas to be used for loading and unloading of cannabis products for transportation.

      2) For outdoor cannabis cultivation, the operating plan shall contain a detailed aerial photograph of the area on which the following information is shown:

      a) the area where cannabis to be propagated; and

      b) the area where cannabis is to be grown.

      3) A cannabis cultivation facility operating plan shall detail the drying and curing methods to be used by the cannabis cultivation facility.

      4) An outdoor cannabis cultivation facility shall outline the measures to be taken to ensure that product is kept from deterioration and contamination.

      5) A cannabis cultivation facility shall have written emergency procedures to be followed in case of:

      a) fire;

      b) chemical spill; or

      c) other emergencies at the facility

      6) A cannabis cultivation facility operating plan shall include:

      a) a pest management plan;

      b) when and how fertilizers are to be applied during the production process;

      c) water usage and waste water disposal; and

      d) a waste disposal plan.

      7) A cannabis cultivation facility shall have a written plan to handle potential recall and destruction of cannabis because of contamination.

      8) A cannabis cultivation facility shall use a standardized scale which is registered with the department when cannabis is:

      a) packaged for sale by weight;

      b) bought and sold by weight;

      c) weighed for entry into the inventory control system.

      9) A cannabis cultivation facility shall ensure that sanitary conditions are maintained on the premises including proper and timely removal of all litter and waste.

      10) The cannabis cultivation facility shall compartmentalize all areas in the facility based on function.

      11) A cannabis cultivation facility shall limit access to the compartments to appropriate agents.