R68-24. Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program for Growers  

R68-24-1. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

  Pursuant to Section 4-41-103(4), this rule establishes the standards, practices, procedures, and requirements for participation in the Utah Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program for the growing and cultivation of industrial hemp.

R68-24-2. Definitions
Latest version.

  1) "Department" means the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food.

  2) "Growing Area" means a contiguous area on which hemp is grown whether inside or outside.

  3) "Handle" or "handling" means possessing, transporting or storing industrial hemp for any period of time.

  4) "Industrial Hemp" means any part of a cannabis plant, whether growing or not, with a concentration of less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol by weight.

  5) "Licensee" means a person authorized by the department to grow industrial hemp.

  6) "THC" means total composite tetrahydrocannabinol, including delta -9- tetrahydrocannabinol and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid.

R68-24-3. Grower License Application Requirements
Latest version.

  1) The applicant shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) years old.

  2) The applicant is not eligible to receive a license if they have:

  a) been convicted of a felony or its equivalent; or

  b) been convicted of a drug-related misdemeanor within the last ten (10) years.

  3) An applicant seeking an industrial hemp cultivation license shall submit the following to the department:

  a) a completed application form provided by the department;

  b) the legal description of the growing area;

  c) the global positioning coordinates for the center of the outdoor growing area;

  d) maps of the growing area in acres or square feet, and the location of different varieties within the growing area;

  e) a statement of the intended end use or disposal for all parts of the hemp plant grown; and

  f) a plan for the storage of seed or clone and harvested industrial hemp material as specified in R68-24-7.

  4) An applicant shall submit a nationwide criminal history from the FBI completed within three (3) months of their application.

  5) The applicant shall submit a fee as approved by the legislature in the fee schedule.

  6) The department shall deny any applicant who does not submit all required information.

R68-24-4. Growing Area
Latest version.

  1) A licensee shall not plant or grow industrial hemp on any site not listed on the grower license application and shall take immediate steps to prevent the inadvertent of industrial hemp the authorized grow area.

  2) A licensee shall not grow hemp in any structure used for residential purposes.

  3) A licensee shall not handle or store leaf, viable seed, or floral material from hemp in a structure used for residential purposes.

  4) A licensee shall not grow industrial hemp outdoors within 1,000 feet of a school or a public recreational area.

  5) The licensee shall post signage at the plot location's entrance and where the plot is visible to a public roadway in a manner that would reasonably be expected to be seen by a person in the area.

  6) The signage shall include the following information:

  a) the statement, "Utah Department of Agriculture Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program";

  b) the name of the licensee;

  c) the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food licensee number; and

  d) the department's telephone number.

R68-24-5. Reporting Requirements
Latest version.

  1) Prior to planting the growing area, the licensee shall submit a Pre-Planting Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

  a) a description of the industrial hemp varieties to be planted,

  b) a description of all other plant material being grown in the growing area;

  c) the number of acres to be planted or the amount of seed or clone to be planted in the growing area, and

  d) the source of the seed or clone being planted.

  2) Within ten (10) days of planting the licensee shall submit a Planting Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

  a) a list of all industrial hemp varieties and other plants in the growing area which were planted;

  b) the actual acres planted or the seeding rate or number of clones planted in the growing area;

  c) adjusted maps and global position coordinates for the area planted; and

  d) the amount of seed that was not used.

  3) Thirty (30) days prior to harvest the licensee shall submit a Harvest Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

  a) any contracts entered into between the grower and an industrial hemp processor or a statement of the intended use of all industrial hemp cultivated in the growing area;

  b) any intended storage areas for industrial hemp or industrial hemp material; and

  c) the harvest dates and location of each variety cultivated in the growing areas;

  i) the licensee shall immediately inform the department of any changes in the reported harvest date which exceeds five (5) days.

  4) Thirty (30) days after completion of harvest the licensee shall submit a Production Report, on a form provided by the department, which includes:

  a) yield from the growing area;

  b) THC testing reports, if any, conducted at the licensee's request;

  c) water application rates;

  d) report of any pest infestations or problems; and

  e) a statement on the final disposition of the all industrial hemp product in the growing area.

  5) Failure to submit the required reports may result in the revocation of the grower license.

R68-24-6. Inspection and Sampling
Latest version.

  1) The growing area shall be subject to random sampling to verify the THC concentration does not exceed 0.3% on a dry weight basis by department officials.

  2) The department shall have complete and unrestricted access to all industrial hemp plants and seeds whether growing or harvested, all land, buildings and other structures used for the cultivation of storage of industrial hemp.

  3) Samples of each variety of industrial hemp shall be randomly sampled from the growing area by department officials.

  4) The department shall conduct the laboratory testing on the sample to determine the THC concentration on a dry weight basis by gas chromatography.

  5) The sample taken by the department shall be the official sample.

  6) The department shall test the growing area within thirty (30) days prior to harvest.

  7) The department shall notify the licensee of the test results from the official sample within a reasonable amount of time.

  8) Any laboratory test result greater than 0.3% THC may be considered a violation of the terms of the license and may result in a license revocation.

  9) Upon a test result with greater than 0.3% THC, the department shall notify the grower.

  10) Any laboratory test result with 1% THC or greater will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency and revocation of the license will be immediate.

R68-24-7. Storage of Industrial Hemp and Hemp Material
Latest version.

  1) A licensee may store hemp and hemp material provided:

  a) the licensee notifies the department, in writing, of the location of the storage facility;

  b) the licensee informs the department of the type and amount of product being stored in the storage facility;

  c) the storage facility is owned by the licensee; and

  d) the storage facility is outside of the public view.

  e) the storage facility is secured with physical containment and reasonable security measures.

  2) The storage area is subject to random inspection by department officials.

R68-24-8. Transportation of Industrial Hemp Materials
Latest version.

  1) A licensee shall not transport any industrial hemp materials, except to a storage facility owned by the licensee, until the department has notified the licensee of the test results from the growing area.

  2) A licensee may move nonviable hemp products without an industrial hemp transportation permit.

  3) An industrial hemp transportation permit is required for each day and each vehicle used to move industrial hemp or industrial hemp products.

  4) The licensee shall submit an industrial hemp transportation permit request form provided by the department.

  5) Requests for an industrial hemp transportation permit shall be submitted to the department at least five (5) business days prior to movement.

  6) An industrial hemp transportation permit authorizes the transportation of industrial hemp materials only within the borders of the state.

  7) The department may deny any application for a movement permit that is not completed in accordance with this rule.

R68-24-9. Restrictions on the Sale and Transfer of Industrial Hemp and Hemp Materials
Latest version.

  1) A licensee shall not sell or transfer living plants, viable plants, viable seeds, leaf material, or floral material to any person not licensed by the department or to any person outside the state who is not authorized by the laws of that state.

  2) The licensee may sell or transfer stripped stalks, fiber, and nonviable seed to the general public provided the product's THC level is less than 0.3%.

R68-24-10. Renewal
Latest version.

  1) A licensee shall resubmit all documents required in R68-24-3, with updated information, before December 31st of the current year.

  2) The department may deny a renewal for an incomplete application.

  3) The department may deny renewal for any licensee who has violated any portion of this rule or state law.

R68-24-11. Destruction of Industrial Hemp Material
Latest version.

  1) The licensee shall be responsible for the destruction any plant material which tests greater than 0.3% THC by dry weight.

  2) The licensee shall work with the department on an approved plan for the destruction of the plant material.

  3) The department may destroy the plant material at cost to the licensee.

  4) The department may inspect the growing area to verify the destruction of all plant material.

R68-24-12. Violations
Latest version.

  1) A licensee shall not grow industrial hemp that tests greater than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis.

  2) A licensee shall not sell or transfer material that tests greater than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis.

  3) It is a violation of the grower license to grow or store industrial hemp or industrial hemp material on a site not approved by the department as part of the license.

  4) A licensee shall not allow unsupervised public access to hemp plots.

  5) A licensee shall not deny an official of the department access for sampling or inspection purposes.

  6) A licensee shall not violate any portion of this rule or state law.

  7) It is a violation of this rule to grow, cultivate, handle, or possess industrial hemp or viable industrial hemp materials without a license from the department.

  9) It is a violation to grow industrial hemp material on a site not approved by the department as listed on the license.

  10) It is a violation to grow industrial hemp outdoors within 1,000 feet of a school or public recreational area.