R657-42-4. Surrenders  

Latest version.
  • (1) Any person who has obtained a wildlife document and decides not to use it, may surrender the wildlife document to any division office.

    (2) Any person who has obtained a wildlife document may surrender the wildlife document prior to the season opening date of the wildlife document for the purpose of:

    (a) waiving the waiting period normally assessed and reinstating the number of bonus points, including a bonus point for the current year as if a permit had not been drawn, if applicable;

    (b) reinstating the number of preference points, including a preference point for the current year as if a permit had not been drawn, if applicable;

    (c) purchasing a reallocated permit or any other permit available for which the person is eligible; or

    (d) receiving a refund as provided in R657-42-5.

    (3) A CWMU permit must be surrendered prior to the applicable season opening date provided by the CWMU operator, except as provided in Section R657-42-11.

    (4) Dedicated hunter participants must surrender their permits prior to the general archery deer season, except as provided in Section R657-38-6.

    (5) A person may surrender a limited-entry, or once-in-a-lifetime permit received through a group application in the Big Game drawing and have their bonus points for that permit species reinstated, provided;

    (a) all group members surrender their permits; and

    (b) all permits are surrendered to the division more than 30 days before the start of the season for which the permit is valid.

    (6) A person may surrender a general season permit received through a group application in the Big Game drawing and have their preference points reinstated, provided;

    (a) all members of the group surrender their permits to the division prior to the start of the season for which the permit is valid.

    (7) Notwithstanding Subsections (5)(b) and (6)(a), a person who obtains a permit through a group application in the Big Game drawing may surrender that permit after the opening date of the applicable hunting season and have the bonus points for the permit species restored, provided the person;

    (a) is a member of United States Armed Forces or public health or public safety organization and is deployed or mobilized in the interest of national defense or national emergency;

    (b) surrenders the permit to the division, with the tag attached and intact, or signs an affidavit verifying the permit is no longer in their possession within one year of the end of hunting season authorized by the permit; and

    (c) satisfies the requirements for receiving a refund in R657-42-5(3)(c) and (d).

    (8) The division may not issue a refund, except as provided in Sections 23-19-38, 23-19-38.2, and R657-42-5.