R657-28-2. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • (1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23-13-2.

    (2) In addition:

    (a) "Agricultural lease" means any lease given for purposes of cultivating crops of any kind.

    (b) "Christmas tree" means any pinyon or juniper tree; or other species that the division may so designate on a subject property; or any part thereof cut and removed from the place where it was grown, without the foliage being removed.

    (c) "Commercial gain" means compensation in money, services, or other valuable consideration as part of a scheme or effort to generate income or financial advantage.

    (d) "Compensatory Mitigation" means the replacement or substitution of resources or environments cumulatively impacted by a proposed action or cumulative proposed actions.

    (e) "Cord" means a unit of cut firewood equal to a stack 4x4x8 feet or 128 cubic feet.

    (f) "Division lands" means all land and waters owned by the division, or managed by the division under written agreement. When lands or waters owned by other parties are managed by the division under written agreement, and the terms of the agreement conflict with this Rule, the agreement shall govern.

    (g) "Firewood" means any portion of a dead and fallen tree not included in any other definition of this section.

    (h) "Grassbank" means forage reserved on a particular division property to be used as in-kind trade for conservation actions on public or private lands, emergency forage for division grazing permittees, or any other purpose designated by the division.

    (i) "In-Kind Compensation" means anything paid or given in goods, commodities, or services in lieu of money, that is done on, affixed to, invested in, or beneficial to division property for the purpose of wildlife habitat maintenance or improvement, or other wildlife-related projects.

    (j) "Lease" means an agreement that authorizes use of division land for a specified term, purpose, and for a specified fee or in-kind compensation, or a combination thereof.

    (k) "Livestock Operator" means any individual or entity that owns or manages domestic livestock.

    (l) "Organized Event" means any event in which registration fees are collected, commercial gain may occur, prizes are awarded for competition, an enrollment or participation list is created, or a group is assembled as part of a club or organizational activity.

    (m) "Ornamental" means any coniferous or deciduous tree that is less than 20 feet in height and has a trunk of no more than 6 inches in diameter at breast height, which is removed from a natural setting, generally with roots attached, for transplant to a different location.

    (n) "Post" means a portion of a tree or tree stem, generally a Utah juniper, which is less than 10 feet in length and 6 inches in tip diameter.

    (o) "Right-of-way Lease" means a lease for an easement or right-of-way for a specific use of division land including, but not limited to, utilities, telecommunications structures, transmission lines, canals, ditches, pipelines, tunnels, fences, roads, and trails.

    (p) "Sand, Gravel, Cinders, and Ornamental Rock" means common varieties of sand, gravel, volcanic cinder, or ornamental rock separate and distinct from the mineral estate on division lands.

    (q) "Seed Harvesting" means the gathering of any seed on division property for any purpose.

    (r) "Special use permit" means a temporary authorization for a specific, non-depleting land use, including seismic or land surveys, research sites, organized activity, or physical access on division lands.

    (s) "Wood product" means any tree, or portion of a tree, including Christmas trees, posts, ornamentals, and firewood.