R653-2-5. Dam Safety Grants and Loans  

Latest version.
  •   (1) After the application for assistance has been completed and signed by the Board member, the application will be submitted to the Division for review. The Division staff will review the application for compliance with the Dam Safety Act and requirements, if any, placed on the sponsor by the State Engineer.

      (2) A report will be prepared by the Division presenting its findings and recommending the amount of the grant and repayment terms for loans.

      (3) Grants will be considered when money is appropriated by the Utah State Legislature (legislature) and will be restricted by limitations placed on the funding by the legislature and Board.

      (4) The amount of each grant will be based on conditions determined by the legislature on the money appropriated, degree of hazard assigned to the project dam, and/or by analysis of such items as the number of acres irrigated, the number of water users, the size of the reservoir, the use of the waters, and cost of the proposed improvements.