R652-90-500. Notification and Public Comment  

Latest version.
  • 1. Once a planning unit is designated for a comprehensive management plan, notice shall be sent to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget for inclusion in the RDCC agenda packet and, if appropriate, the weekly status report.

    2. The division shall conduct at least one public meeting in the vicinity of a planning unit that has been designated for a comprehensive management plan.

    (a) The meeting shall provide an opportunity for public comment regarding the issues to be addressed in the plan.

    (b) The public meeting(s) shall be held at least two weeks after notice in a local newspaper.

    (c) Notice of public meeting(s) shall be sent directly to lessees of record, local government officials and the Office of Planning and Budget for inclusion in the RDCC agenda packet and weekly status report. A mailing list shall be maintained by the division.

    (d) Additional public meetings may be held.

    3. Notice that a site-specific or resource planning effort is under way shall be given to:

    (a) affected parties as required by rule for exchange, or lease;

    (b) the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget for inclusion in the RDCC Project Management System for public and agency notification and comment.