Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R65. Agriculture and Food, Marketing and Development |
R65-11. Utah Sheep Marketing Order |
R65-11-4. Provisions of the Order
A. This order provides for:
1. Uniform grading and inspection of sheep products sold or offered for sale by producers or handlers and for the establishment of grading standards of quality, conditions, and size. Such grading standards shall not be established below any minimum standards now prescribed by law for the State.
2. Advertising and sales promotion to create new or larger markets for sheep products produced in Utah, provided that any such plan shall be directed towards increasing the sale of such commodity without reference to particular brand or trade name.
3. The labeling, marketing, or branding of sheep products in conformity with the regulations of the commissioner or the laws of the State of Utah already in existence and written in the Utah Code.
4. Research projects and experiments for the purpose of improving the general condition of the Sheep Industry and for the purpose of protecting the health of the people of Utah.
5. The Board may cooperate with any other state or federal agency whose activities may be deemed beneficial to the purpose of this Order.
B. Expenses - Assessments - Collection and Disbursement.
1. Each producer subject to this Order shall pay to the board his or her pro rata share of such expenses as the commissioner may find necessary to be incurred by the Board for the functioning of said Marketing Order. Each producer shall pay up to 5 cents per pound of wool shorn to the Board annually. The discretionary assessment shall be set by majority vote of the Board, and approved by the commissioner. The initial assessment shall be 2 cents per pound. This assessment levied in the specified amount shall constitute a personal debt of every person so assessed and shall be due and payable upon sale of wool. The pro rata share of the expenses payable by a cooperative association of producers shall be computed on the basis of the quantity of the product covered by the Order which is distributed, sold, or shipped in commerce by such cooperative association of producers.
2. The assessment of each producer shall be deducted from the producer's gross receipt by the wool purchaser or handler. All proceeds from the deducted portion shall be paid at least quarterly to the Sheep Board. Sheep spending part of the year in Utah shall be assessed pro rata based on the time spent in Utah.
3. The Board shall retain records of the receipt of the assessment. The records shall be audited annually by an auditor approved by the commissioner. Copies of the audit shall be available to any contributor upon request.
4. The Board is required to reimburse the commissioner for any funds as are expended by the commissioner in performing his duties, as provided in this Order. Such reimbursement to include only funds actually expended in connection with this Order.
5. The Board is authorized to incur such expenses as are necessary to carry out its functions subject to the approval of the commissioner. The Board shall receive and disburse all funds received by it pursuant to Section R65-6-5. Any funds remaining at the end of any year over and above the necessary expenses of said Board may be divided among all persons from whom such funds were collected. At the discretion of the Board, such amounts may be applied to the necessary expenses of the Board for the continuation of its program during the next succeeding year.
6. Any producer who wishes a refund of their paid assessment may request such by notifying the Board in writing within thirty days of payment of the assessment subject to approval of the Board.
7. The Order shall become operational only if it is approved by at least 50 percent of the producers and handlers voting in the referendum or by producers and handlers who account for at least two-thirds of the production represented by persons voting in the referendum.