R641-111. Declaratory Rulings  

R641-111-100. Petition for Declaratory Rulings
Latest version.

Any person may by a Request for Agency Action filed in accordance with these rules, petition the Board for a declaratory ruling on the applicability of any statute, rule, regulation or order to the operations or activities of that person. The petition will include the questions and answers sought and reasons in support of or in opposition to the applicability of the statute or rule or regulation involved.

R641-111-200. Ruling
Latest version.

The Board will consider the petition, and will:

210. Notify the person that no declaratory ruling will be issued;

220. Issue a nonbinding declaratory ruling; or

230. Decide that a binding declaratory ruling affecting the petitioner or any other person may be proper, and initiate a proceeding under R641-104 which will be conducted according to these rules.