R602-8-5. Motions for Review  

Latest version.
  • 1. Any party to an adjudicative proceeding may obtain review of an Order issued by an administrative law judge by filing a written request for review with the Adjudication Division in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Sections 34A-6-304, 63G-4-301 and Utah Administrative Rule R602-1-4. Unless a request for review is properly filed, the administrative law judge's order is the final order of the Commission. If a request for review is filed, other parties to the adjudicative proceeding may file a response within 20 calendar days of the date the request for review was filed. Thereafter, the administrative law judge shall:

    a. Reopen the case and enter a Supplemental Order after holding such further hearing and receiving such further evidence as may be deemed necessary;

    b. Amend or modify the prior order by a Supplemental Order, or

    c. Refer the entire case for review.

    2. If the administrative law judge enters a Supplemental Order, as provided in this subsection, it shall be final unless a request for review of the same is filed.