R590-274-4. General Filing Information  

Latest version.
  •   (1) Each filing submitted must be accurate, consistent, complete, and contain all required documents in order for the filing to be processed in a timely and efficient manner. The commissioner may request any additional information deemed necessary.

      (2) The filer is responsible for assuring that a filing is in compliance with Utah laws and rules. A filing not in compliance with Utah laws and rules is subject to regulatory action under Section 31A-2-308.

      (3) A filing that does not comply with this rule will be rejected and returned to the filer. A rejected filing:

      (a) is not considered filed with the department and may not be used;

      (b) will not be reopened for purposes of resubmission, a new filing is required.

      (4) A prior filing will not be researched to determine the purpose of the current filing. The submitted filing must be complete.

      (5) The department does not review or proofread every filing.

      (a) A filing may be reviewed:

      (i) when submitted;

      (ii) as a result of a complaint;

      (iii) during a regulatory examination or investigation; or

      (iv) at any other time the commissioner deems necessary.

      (b) If a filing is reviewed and is not in compliance with Utah laws and rules, A Filing Objection Letter or an Order To Prohibit Use will be issued to the filer. The commissioner may require the licensee to disclose deficiencies in forms to affected consumers.

      (6) Filing correction:

      (a) If the filing is in a review status corrections can be made at any time.

      (b) If the filing has been closed a new filing is required. The filer must reference the original filing in the filing description.

      (7) Response to a Filing Objection Letter. When responding to a Filing Objection letter a filer must:

      (a) provide an explanation identifying all changes made;

      (b) include an underline and strikeout version for each revised document;

      (c) a final version of revised documents that incorporates all changes.

      (8) Response to an Order to Prohibit Use.

      (a) An Order to Prohibit Use becomes final 15 days after the date of the order.

      (b) Use of the filing must be discontinued no later than the date specified in the Order.

      (c) To contest an Order to Prohibit Use, the commissioner must receive a written request for a hearing no later than 15 days after the date of the Order.

      (d) A new filing is required if the licensee chooses to make the requested changes addressed in the Filing Objection Letter. The new filing must reference the previously prohibited filing.

      (9) Filing withdrawal. A filer must notify the department when withdrawing a previously filed form.