R590-167-4. Establishment of Classes of Business  

Latest version.
  • (1) A covered carrier that establishes more than one class of business pursuant to the provisions of Section 31A-30-105 shall maintain on file for inspection by the commissioner the following information with respect to each class of business so established:

    (a) a description of each criterion employed by the carrier, or any of its agents, for determining membership in the class of business;

    (b) a statement describing the justification for establishing the class as a separate class of business and documentation that the establishment of the class of business is intended to reflect substantial differences in expected claims experience or administrative costs related to the reasons set forth in Section 31A-30-105; and

    (c) a statement disclosing which, if any, health benefit plans are currently available for purchase in the class and any significant limitations related to the purchase of such plans.

    (2) For policies issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2011, a covered carrier may not establish a separate class of business without a prior approval of the commissioner.

    (3) In order to receive an approval to establish a separate class of business under Subsection R590-167-4(2) the covered carrier shall submit a filing in compliance with R590-220 that includes:

    (a) a written request to establish a separate class of business;

    (b) description of all criteria employed by the carrier, or any of its agents, for determining membership in the class of business;

    (c) disclosure of which health benefit plans will be available for purchase in the class and any significant limitations related to the purchase of such plans; and

    (d) demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commissioner that the use of a separate class of business is necessary due to substantial differences in either expected claims experience or administrative costs related to the following reasons:

    (i) the covered carrier uses more than one type of system for the marketing and sale of health benefit plans to covered insureds;

    (ii) the covered carrier has acquired a class of business from another covered carrier;

    (iii) the covered carrier provides coverage to one or more association groups;

    (e) a list of previously approved classes of business; and

    (f) for each class of business used prior to January 1, 2011, a certification that the continued use of the class of business is necessary due to conditions specified in Subsection R590-167-4(3)(d).

    (4) A carrier may not directly or indirectly use group size as a criterion for establishing eligibility for a class of business.