R590-152-3. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this rule, the commissioner adopts the definitions in Sections 31A-1-301 and 31A-8a-102 and the following:

    (1) "Administration of the health discount program" means the processes to solicit members, enroll members, maintain the membership, resolve disputes with members, disenroll members, and collect or refund fees and other authorized charges.

    (2) "Authority to do business in this state" means having other applicable licenses as required by statute and operating within the scope of such licenses.

    (3) "Health discount program marketer" means a person or entity, including a private label entity, that markets or distributes a health discount program but may also operate the marketed or distributed health discount program.

    (4) "Private label entity" means an entity that purchases a health discount program from a health discount program operator and issues or markets the obtained health discount program under the private label entity's name or logo.

    (5) "Prominently" means not less than 14-point type or no smaller than the largest type on the page if larger than 12 point type.