R590-148-22. Loss Ratio  

Latest version.
  • (1) This section shall apply to all individual long-term care insurance policies except those covered in Sections R590-148-21 and R590-148-24.

    (2) Benefits under individual long-term care insurance policies shall be deemed reasonable in relation to premiums provided the expected loss ratio is at least 60%, calculated in a manner which provides for adequate reserving of the long-term care insurance risk.

    (3) In evaluating the expected loss ratio, due consideration shall be given to all relevant factors, including:

    (a) statistical credibility of incurred claims experience and earned premiums;

    (b) the period for which rates are computed to provide coverage;

    (c) experienced and projected trends;

    (d) concentration of experience within early policy duration;

    (e) expected claim fluctuation;

    (f) experience refunds, adjustments or dividends;

    (g) renewability features;

    (h) all appropriate expense factors;

    (i) interest;

    (j) experimental nature of the coverage;

    (k) policy reserves;

    (l) mix of business by risk classification; and

    (m) product features such as long elimination periods, high deductibles and high maximum limits.

    (4) The premiums charged to an insured for long-term care insurance may not increase due to either:

    (a) the increasing age of the insured at ages beyond 65; or

    (b) the duration the insured has been covered under the policy.

    (5) Rate filings documents must contain all information required in R590-85-4.