R590-132-3. Rule  

Latest version.
  • A. Persons with HIV infection will not be singled out for either unfairly discriminatory or preferential treatment for insurance purposes.

    B. To properly classify risks related to covering prospective insureds, insurers may require reasonable testing. Application questions must conform to the following guidelines:

    1. No inquiry in an application for health or life insurance coverage, or in an investigation conducted by an insurer or an insurance support organization on its behalf in connection with an application for such coverage, shall be directed toward determining the applicant's sexual orientation.

    2. Sexual orientation may not be used in the underwriting process or in the determination of insurability.

    C. When used, the testing of insurance applicants must not be administered on an unfair basis. If a prospective insured is to be declined or rated substandard because of HIV infection, such action must be based on appropriate confirmatory tests.

    D. Notice and Consent. No person engaged in the business of insurance shall require an HIV test of an individual in connection with an application for insurance unless the individual signs a written release on a form which contains the following information:

    1. A statement of the purpose, content, use and meaning of the test.

    2. A statement regarding disclosure of the test results, including information explaining the effect of releasing information to a person directly engaged in the business of insurance. The applicant should be advised that the insurer may disclose test results to others involved in the underwriting and claims review processes. If the HIV test is positive, the results will be reported by those conducting the test or providers receiving test results to the local health department. If the applicant does not designate a physician or other health care provider, the insurer shall report a positive test result to the local health department. If the insurer is a member of the Medical Information Bureau ("MIB, Inc.") the insurer may report the test results to MIB, Inc. in a generic code which signifies only non-specific test abnormalities.

    3. A provision where the applicant directs that any positive screen results be reported to a designated health care professional of his/her choice for post-test counseling.

    For purposes of this section, insurers will use the following notice and consent disclosure form or a form that contains similar language. Such form is not considered part of the policy or policy application.


    Illustrative HIV Testing Informed Consent Form

    EXAMINER ....................... INSURER ......................

    ADDRESS ....................... ADDRESS ......................

             ....................... ......................

             ....................... ......................



    To determine your insurability, the insurer named above (the insurer) is requesting that you provide a sample of your blood and/or other bodily fluid for testing and analysis. In order to adequately perform all testing procedures, it may be necessary for you to provide a sample of more than one of these bodily fluids. All tests will be performed by a licensed laboratory.

    Unless precluded by law, tests may be performed to determine the presence of antibodies or antigens to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), also known as the AIDS virus. The HIV antibody test performed is actually a series of tests done by a medically accepted procedure. The HIV antigen test directly identifies AIDS viral particles. These tests are extremely reliable. Other tests which may be performed include determinations of blood cholesterol and related lipids (fats), screening for liver or kidney disorders, diabetes, immune disorders, and other physical conditions.

    All test results will be treated confidentially. They will be reported by the laboratory to the insurer. When necessary for business reasons in connection with insurance you have or had applied for with the insurer, the insurer may disclose test results to others such as its affiliates, reinsurers, employees, or contractors. If the insurer is a member of the Medical Information Bureau (MIB, Inc.), and should the insurer request an additional sample of bodily fluid for further testing, and you choose to decline that request, your declination to be tested will be reported to the MIB, Inc. Regardless of the number of tests requested, if the final test results for HIV antibodies/antigens are other than normal, the insurer will report to the MIB, Inc. a generic code which signifies only a non-specific abnormality. If your HIV test is normal, no report will be made about it to the MIB, Inc. Other test results may be reported to the MIB, Inc. in a more specific manner. The organizations described in this paragraph may maintain the test results in a file or data bank. There will be no other disclosure of test results or even that the tests have been done except as may be required or permitted by law or as authorized by you.

    If your HIV test results are normal, no routine notification will be sent to you. If the HIV test results are other than normal, the insurer will contact you. The insurer may also contact you if there are other abnormal test results which, in the insurer's opinion, are significant. The insurer may ask you for the name of a physician or other health care provider to whom you may authorize disclosure and with whom you may wish to discuss the results. The laboratory, physician or other health care provider will report positive test results to the Health Department. If you have not designated a physician or other health care provider to receive disclosure of positive test results, the insurer will report positive test results to the health department.

    Positive HIV antibodies/antigen test results do not mean that you have AIDS, but that you are at significantly increased risk of developing AIDS or AIDS-related conditions. Federal authorities say that persons who are HIV antibody/antigen positive should be considered infected with the AIDS virus and capable of infecting others.

    Positive HIV antibody or antigen test results or other significant abnormalities will adversely affect your application for insurance. This means that your application may be declined, that an increased premium may be charged, or that other policy changes may be necessary.

    I have read and I understand this notice and consent for testing which may include HIV antibodies/antigen testing. I voluntarily consent to the withdrawal from me of blood and/or other bodily fluid, the testing of that blood and/or other bodily fluid, and the disclosure of the test results as described above.

    I understand that I have the right to request and receive a copy of this authorization. A photocopy of this form will be as valid as the original.


    Proposed Insured Date of Birth


    Signature of Proposed Insured Date


    State of Residence


    Designated Physician or Health Care Provider

    that is to Receive Positive Test Results


    Street Address


    City State Zip