Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R590. Insurance, Administration |
R590-127. Rate Filing Exemptions |
R590-127-6. (a) Rates
(1) All (a) rates shall be exempt from the filing requirements of Section 31A-19a-203.
(2) Whenever an (a) rate is used the underwriting file shall contain full and supporting factual documentation verifying that it is an (a) rate as defined and showing the development of the (a) rate assigned by the underwriter:
(a) If the insurer has a Guide (a) Manual, the underwriter must start with the Guide (a) Rate suggested in the manual. If the underwriter feels adjustments to the suggested rate are appropriate, he shall document the steps in the development of the adjusted rate and show that he has followed the insurer's established procedure in the (a) rate development.
(b) If no Guide (a) Rate is available, the underwriter shall document the steps in the development of the (a) rate. This development should contain an analysis of such things as the specific definable loss potential characteristics, a comparison to similar risks and their manual rates, available loss frequency and severity data, an analysis of current engineering reports, and any other pertinent underwriting criteria.
(c) As individual risk experience and characteristics are considered by the underwriter in developing the (a) rate, the only rate modification factors that may be applied to an (a) rate are Increased Limits Factors, package factors, premium size factors, expense modification factors and deductible factors. If automated rating procedures automatically apply other modification factors, this fact should be considered in the development of the initial rate.
(3) If an underwriter determines to use an Increased Limits Factor which is different from the Guide (a) Increased Limits Factors of the Commercial Lines Manual, the underwriting file shall contain full and supporting factual data justifying the change in the Guide (a) Increased Limits Factor.
(4) Whenever an insurer renews a risk which contains (a) rates the underwriting file shall contain documentation of the underwriter's reevaluation of the (a) rate assigned and justification for the continuation of the (a) rate or the development of any new (a) rate. If the (a) rate previously assigned is revised more than +/- 25%, the underwriter shall submit an individual risk filing to the commissioner within 30 days of the effective date of the policy. This filing shall contain the underwriter's documentation of the (a) rate development for the prior year and the development and explanation for the new (a) rate.