R58-22-2. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • Accredited Veterinarian - means a veterinarian approved by the Deputy Administrator of USDA, APHIS, VS in accordance with provisions of 9 CFR Part 161.

    Coggins test - means a common name for the Agar Gel Immuno-diffusion (AGID) test for diagnosis of EIA.

    Equine - means any animal in the family Equidae, including horses, asses, mules, ponies, and Zebras.

    Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) - means an infectious disease of equines caused by a lentivirus, equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). The disease is characterized by three distinct clinical forms: acute, chronic and inapparent.

    Identification - means permanent notation of equines that are determined to be EIA reactors by application of a hot iron, or freeze marking using the National Uniform Tag code number for the State of Utah (87), followed by the letter "A" on the left side of the neck or left shoulder.

    Official test - means any test for the laboratory diagnosis of EIA that utilizes a diagnostic product that is (1) produced under license from the Secretary of Agriculture, and found to be efficacious for that diagnosis, under the Virus-Serum- Toxin Act of March 4, 1913, and subsequent amendments (21 U.S.C. 151 et seq.); and (2) conducted in a laboratory approved by the Administrator of APHIS.

    Reactor - means any equine that has been subjected to an official laboratory test whose result is positive for EIA.

    Exposed Animals - means all equines that have been exposed to EIA by reason of association with the affected animal.