R527-10. Disclosure of Information to the Office of Recovery Services  

R527-10-1. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

1. The Department of Human Services is authorized to create rules necessary for the provision of social services by Section 62A-1-111 and 62A-11-107.

2. The purpose of this rule is to meet the rulemaking requirement in Section 62A-11-104.1(2) that the office specify the type of health insurance and financial record information required to be disclosed under that section.

R527-10-2. Disclosure of Health Insurance Information
Latest version.

Upon written request by the office, the following health insurance information shall be provided:

1. the availability of health and dental insurance to the employee;

2. the health insurance company name, address, and telephone number;

3. the policy number;

4. the names of those covered and their relationship to the employee;

5. the effective dates of coverage;

6. premium and co-payment amounts, deductibles, and exclusions; and

7. claims history for 24 months prior to the date of request by the office.

R527-10-3. Disclosure of Financial Information to the Office of Recovery Services
Latest version.

Upon written request by the office, the following documents and financial record information regarding the individual named in the request shall be provided:

1. savings account and checking account numbers and balances;

2. type of loan, loan amount and balance owing;

3. current or last known address;

4. social security number;

5. employer and salary, if known;

6. loan application;

7. all names listed on the account and the signature card;

8. terms of accessibility to the account;

9. former names and aliases;

10. all accounts for that person with the bank, including certificates of deposit, money market accounts, treasury bonds, etc., numbers, names, and amounts;

11. security on loans;

12. account statements;

13. transaction slips;

14. checks deposited or cashed;

15. checks written on account;

16. trusts; and

17. applications to open an account.