R525-2. Patient Rights  

R525-2-1. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

(1) This rule is adopted under the authority of Section 62A-15-105.

(2) The purpose of this rule is to explain patient rights for patients at the Utah State Hospital.

R525-2-2. Patients and Family Are Informed of Rights
Latest version.

Patients, and when appropriate, family members are informed of their rights and the means by which these rights are protected and exercised.

R525-2-3. Admission Status
Latest version.

Patients, and when appropriate, family members have their admission status explained to them and to have the provisions of the law pertaining to their admission.

R525-2-4. Consent Forms
Latest version.

A written, dated, and signed consent form is obtained from the patient, and when appropriate, the patient's family or legal guardian for participation in research projects and for use or performance of:

(1) electroconvulsive therapy;

(2) unusual medications;

(3) audiovisual equipment;

(4) other procedures where consent is required by law.

R525-2-5. Patient Advocate
Latest version.

A Hospital Patient Advocate is provided to assist patients and, when appropriate family members, and direct their concerns to the appropriate person/agency.

R525-2-6. Patient May Deny Family Members Access to Treatment Information
Latest version.

Adult patients, who do not have a court-appointed legal guardian, may exclude family members from their treatment information.