R512-60. Children's Account  

R512-60-1. Purpose, Authority, Definitions, and Scope
Latest version.

  (1) Purpose. The purpose of this rule is to specify the requirements for carrying out the purposes of the Children's Account, with the funding specified in Section 62A-4a-309.

  (2) Authority. This rule is authorized by Section 62A-4a-102.

  (3) Definitions. For the purposes of this rule:

  (a) "Administrator" means the employee of Child and Family Services appointed by the Director to administer the Children's Account.

  (b) "CA" is the Children's Account.

  (c) "Child and Family Services" means the Division of Child and Family Services.

  (d) "Conflict of Interest" is defined as a situation where a Council member's private or outside economic, social, political, or volunteer interests interfere (or have the potential to, or may appear to, interfere) with that Council member's duties and responsibilities.

  (e) "Council" means the Child Welfare Improvement Council established under Section 62A-4a-311.

  (f) "Director" means Director of Child and Family Services.

  (g) "State procurement" means the requirements outlined in Section 63G-6a.

  (4) Scope. Funds from the CA shall be used for community-based education, service, and treatment programs to prevent the occurrence and recurrence of child abuse and neglect, as specified in Section 62A-4a-305.

R512-60-2. Functions of the Council
Latest version.

(1) The Council shall advise Child and Family Services on matters relating to abuse and neglect and recommend how funds contained in the CA should be allocated.

R512-60-3. Conflict of Interest
Latest version.

  (1) Child and Family Services shall obtain written disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest from a prospective member prior to appointment to Council membership.

  (2) Council members shall provide written disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest to Child and Family Services for annual review and approval.

  (3) A Council member affiliated with an individual or organization that may bid on or receive a contract shall immediately provide written disclosure of this potential conflict of interest to Child and Family Services.

  (4) Child and Family Services may appoint a prospective member who may have a conflict of interest on condition that they may only participate on the Council as it advises Child and Family Services on matters relating to abuse and neglect. A Council member with a conflict of interest shall not receive any information, nor participate in any discussion, presentation, consideration, or vote regarding the Council's recommendations regarding the allocation of CA funds, including any information related to state procurement or contract development or review.

  (5) A Council member shall not exert influence or make any requests for favored consideration from any individual on the Council or from Child and Family Services to receive a contract award. Council members participating in the development of fund allocation recommendations or state procurement shall keep confidential any information prior to official public release by Child and Family Services.

R512-60-4. Responsibilities of the Director
Latest version.

  (1) In addition to the responsibilities defined in Section 62A-4a-303, the Director shall:

  (a) Designate a staff member to serve as the Administrator of the CA and as the liaison with the Council.

  (b) Review policies and procedures regarding the administration of the CA that have been developed by the Council.

  (c) Hold a public hearing for comments on the CA allocation plan and prevention priorities. This shall meet the requirement of Section 62A-4a-306 requiring public comments on the specific program or service.

  (d) Approve the allocation plan and prevention priorities prior to implementation.

  (e) Approve policies of the CA.

R512-60-5. Proposal Requirements
Latest version.

  (1) A state procurement shall be developed by Child and Family Services based upon the approved allocation plan and prevention priorities, and in accordance with State Purchasing Guidelines. The state procurement shall specify the purposes and eligibility requirements for projects or programs to be funded through the CA. The proposal requirements may vary from year to year.

  (2) Child and Family Services shall widely disseminate the state procurement. Project or program proposals shall be submitted as specified in the state procurement.

R512-60-6. Funding Limitations and Requirements
Latest version.

  (1) Funding for individual projects shall be recommended by the Council and approved by Child and Family Services based on availability of funds and identified prevention priorities, with consideration for programs or projects that serve the largest portion of the population, serve segments of the population at highest risk for abuse and neglect, or are of exceptional merit as evidence-based or evidence-informed in prevention of abuse or neglect.

  (a) Contracts may be renewed according to the terms of the procurement.

  (2) Each program or project funded through the CA shall provide a dollar-for-dollar match from private or local government sources.

  (a) In-kind contributions may be used as part of the local match requirement. No more than 50 percent of the local match requirement may be in-kind. The entity that receives the statewide evaluation contract is excepted from the cash-match provisions contained in Section 62A-4a-309. Upon recommendation of the executive director and the Council, Child and Family Services may reduce or waive the match requirements for an entity, if Child and Family Services determines that imposing the requirements would prohibit or limit the provisions of services needed in a particular geographic area (Section 62A-4a-309).

  (b) Items that may be used as in-kind match are contributed services of support personnel, office space, furniture and equipment, utility costs, vehicles, contributed services of professional personnel including physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, educators, public accountants, and lawyers who are performing services for which they would normally be paid. The source of original funding for this in-kind match shall not be state or federal monies.

R512-60-7. Procedures in Selecting Programs or Projects to be Supported by the Children's Account
Latest version.

  (1) Proposals received by Child and Family Services in response to the state procurement shall be reviewed according to the criteria specified in the state procurement, consistent with Section 62A-4a-307.

  (2) The Administrator or other Child and Family Services designees shall negotiate contracts with successful offerors based on State Purchasing Guidelines.

R512-60-8. Evaluation
Latest version.

(1) Each program or project funded through the CA shall be evaluated at least once each year to determine if the purposes and goals of the project have been met. This evaluation may be done by personnel within Child and Family Services or by contract with a qualified individual, non-profit organization, or agency. A copy of the written evaluation shall be provided to Child and Family Services, who will provide evaluation information to the Council.

R512-60-9. Research
Latest version.

(1) CA funds may be used for research programs consistent with Section 62A-4a-305 at funding levels the Council deems appropriate. Basic or applied research programs or projects that provide empirical data to support efforts to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of child abuse and neglect in any of its basic forms, including physical abuse, neglect or abandonment, sexual maltreatment, psychological abuse, or educational or medical neglect, may be funded.