R501-13-4. Governance  

Latest version.
  • A. The program shall have a governing body which has responsibility for and authority over the policies, procedures and activities of the program.

    B. The governing body shall be one of the following:

    1. a Board of Directors in a nonprofit organization; or

    2. commissioners or appointed officials of a governmental unit; or

    3. Board of Directors or individual owners of a for-profit organization.

    C. The program shall have a list of members of the governing body, indicating name, address and term of membership.

    D. The program shall have an organization chart which identifies operating units of the program and their interrelationship. The chart shall define lines of authority and responsibility for all program staff.

    E. When the governing body is composed of more than one person, the governing body shall establish bylaws, and shall hold formal meetings at least twice a year to evaluate quality assurance. A written record of meetings including date, attendance, agenda and actions shall be maintained on-site.

    F. The responsibilities of the governing body shall be as follows:

    1. to ensure program policy and procedure compliance,

    2. to ensure continual compliance with relevant local, state and federal requirements,

    3. to notify the Office within thirty days of changes in program administration or purpose, and

    4. to ensure that the program is fiscally sound.