R501-13-13. Staffing  

Latest version.
  • A. Adult Day Care Staffing Ratios

    1. When eight or fewer consumers are present, one staff person shall provide direct supervision at all times with a second staff person meeting minimum staff requirements immediately available.

    2. When nine to 16 consumers are present, two staff shall provide direct supervision at all times. The ratio of one staff person per eight consumers will continue progressively.

    3. In all programs where one-half or more of the consumers are diagnosed by a physician's assessment with Alzheimer, or related dementia, the ratio shall be one staff for each six consumers.

    4. Staff supervision shall be provided continually throughout staff training periods.

    5. For programs with nine or more consumers, administrative and maintenance staff shall not be included in staff to consumer ratio.

    B. The Director shall meet one of the following credentials:

    1. a licensed nurse,

    2. a licensed social worker,

    3. a licensed psychologist,

    4. a recreational, or physical therapist, properly licensed or certified,

    5. other licensed professionals in related fields who have demonstrated competence in working with functionally impaired adults, or

    6. a person that has received verifiable training to work with functionally impaired adults, and is in consultation on an ongoing basis with a licensed or certified professional with Director credentials.

    C. Directors shall obtain 10 hours of related training on an annual basis.

    D. Minimum Staff Requirements

    1. Staff shall be 18 years of age or older and demonstrate competency in working with functionally impaired adults.

    2. Staff shall receive eight hours of initial orientation training designed by the Director to meet the needs of the program, plus 10 hours of work related training on a yearly basis.