R495-883-3. Child Support Services for Children in Care  

Latest version.
  • (1) ORS shall collect child support and Third Party Payments in behalf of children placed in the custody of the State of Utah in accordance with Section 78A-6-1106, 78B-12-101 et seq., 62A-1-117, 62A-11-301 et seq., and Federal Regulations 45 CFR 300 through 307.

    (2) If a current child support order exists, ORS may collect and enforce the support based on the existing order in accordance with Section 78B-12-108.

    (3) ORS may conduct a review of circumstances to determine if an existing order is in compliance with the child support guidelines and if the case meets the review criteria in accordance with Sections 62A-11-320.5 and 62A-11-320.6. If the order is not in compliance with the child support guidelines but still meets the review criteria, an administrative order may be issued, under the administrative adjudication process as provided in rule R497-100-1 et seq., while the child is under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and in a placement other than with his parents.

    (4) If a current child support order does not exist, the monthly child support obligation will be determined in accordance with the child support guidelines enacted in Sections 78B-12-301 and 78B-12-302.

    (5) Child Support Services are due and payable on the first day of the month. Child support shall not be prorated for partial months.