R477-8-4. Overtime Standards  

Latest version.
  • The state's policy for overtime is adopted and incorporated from the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR Parts 500 to 899(2002) and Section 67-19-6.7.

    (1) Management may direct an employee to work overtime. Each agency shall develop internal rules and procedures to ensure overtime usage is efficient and economical. These policies and procedures shall include:

    (a) prior supervisory approval for all overtime worked;

    (b) recordkeeping guidelines for all overtime worked;

    (c) verification that there are sufficient funds in the budget to compensate for overtime worked.

    (2) Overtime compensation designations are identified for each job title in HRE as either FLSA nonexempt, or FLSA exempt.

    (a) An employee may appeal the FLSA designation to the agency human resource field office. Further appeals may be filed directly with the United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. Sections 67-19-31, 67-19a-301 and Title 63G, Chapter 4 may not be applied for FLSA appeals purposes.

    (3) An FLSA nonexempt employee may not work more than 40 hours a week without management approval. Overtime shall accrue when the employee actually works more than 40 hours a week. Leave and holiday time taken within the work period may not be counted as hours worked when calculating overtime accrual. Hours worked over two or more weeks may not be averaged with the exception of certain types of law enforcement, fire protection, and correctional employees.

    (4) Agency management shall arrange for an employee's use of compensatory time as soon as possible without unduly disrupting agency operations or endangering public health, safety or property.