R477-7-4. Sick Leave  

Latest version.
  •   (1) An eligible employee shall accrue sick leave, not to exceed four hours per pay period. Sick leave shall accrue without limit.

      (2) Agency management may grant sick leave for preventive health and dental care, maternity, paternity, and adoption care, or for absence from duty because of illness, injury or disability of the employee, a spouse, children; or parents living in the employee's home; or qualifying FMLA purposes.

      (3) Agency management may grant exceptions for other unique medical situations.

      (4) When management approves the use of sick leave, an employee may use any combination of Program I, Program II, and Program III sick leave.

      (5) An employee shall contact management prior to the beginning of the scheduled workday the employee is absent due to illness or injury.

      (6) Any application for a grant of sick leave to cover an absence that exceeds three consecutive working days shall be supported by administratively acceptable evidence.

      (7) If there is reason to believe that an employee is abusing sick leave, a supervisor may require an employee to produce administratively acceptable evidence regardless of the number of sick hours used.

      (8) Unless retiring, an employee separating from state employment shall forfeit any unused sick leave without compensation.

      (a) An employee rehired into a benefited position within one year of separation due to a reduction in force shall have forfeited sick leave reinstated to Program I, Program II, and Program III as accrued prior to the reduction in force.

      (b) An employee rehired with benefits within one year of separation for reasons other than a reduction in force shall have forfeited sick leave reinstated as Program III sick leave.

      (c) An employee accepting a benefit eligible position within one year of forfeiting unused sick leave for accepting a non-benefit eligible position shall have their sick leave reinstated as Program III.

      (d) An employee who retires from state service and is rehired may not reinstate forfeited sick leave.