R477-10-4. Employee Development and Training  

Latest version.
  •   (1) Agency management may establish programs for training and staff development that shall be agency specific or designed for highly specialized or technical jobs and tasks.

      (2) Agency management shall consult with the Executive Director, DHRM, when proposed training and development activities may have statewide impact or may be offered more cost effectively on a statewide basis. The Executive Director, DHRM, shall determine whether DHRM will be responsible for the training standards.

      (3) The Executive Director, DHRM, shall work with agency management to establish standards to guide the development of statewide activities and to facilitate sharing of resources statewide.

      (4) When an agency directs an employee to participate in an educational program, the agency shall pay full costs.

      (5) Agencies are required to provide refresher training and make reasonable efforts to requalify veterans reemployed under USERRA, as long as it does not cause an undue hardship to the employing agency.

      (6) Training shall be presented or made available online unless there is a physical or interactive component, the training takes place over consecutive, full-day sessions, or no attendee travels more than 50 miles from their primary residence or place of employment, whichever is closer to the training site, to attend the training.