R455-12. Computerized Record of Cemeteries, Burial Locations and Plots, and Granting Matching Funds  

R455-12-1. Scope and Applicability
Latest version.

To provide grants to assist cemeteries, computerize their records, and to develop a centralized database of names, dates of death, burial locations, and other information. This data base will include data on individuals interred in cemeteries and burial locations where a previous record exists regarding the burial in accordance with UCA 9-8-203(3)(c).

R455-12-2. Definitions
Latest version.

1. "Board" means the Board of State History.

2. "Burial locations" means locations of human burials outside of established cemeteries where written records exist on the deceased.

3. "Burial Plot" means the burial location of an individual within a cemetery.

4. "Cemeteries" means formal groupings of burial locations, including public and private facilities, whether abandoned or currently used and maintained.

5. "Director" means the Director of the Division of State History.

6. "Division" means the Division of State History.

7. "Eligible Organizations" means cemeteries, genealogical associations, and other nonprofit groups interested in cemeteries and burial locations.

8. "GIS" means Geographic Information System. A system that links information to geographic locations.

9. "In kind" means volunteer hours, labor, equipment, etc., to match grant contributed.

10. "Matching grants" means grants made to eligible organizations that are matched, ordinarily on a fifty/fifty basis, through cash or in kind.

11. "Record" means existing record of name and other available information on the interred individual.

12. "Computerized record" means an electronic version of a record meeting the standards established by the Division.

R455-12-3. Application and Distribution of Funds
Latest version.

Eligible organizations may apply for matching grants on a form approved by the Division. Matching grants shall be provided to the extent that funding is available. No grant will be awarded to any single cemetery for more than $10,000. Larger cemeteries needing more than $10,000 may reapply in phases. Successful applicants may request fifty percent of the funds at the time of approval of the contract. The second fifty percent will be distributed upon receipt of acceptable final report and computerized records in the format agreed upon.

Grants will be allocated to applying eligible organizations on a first come, first served basis. The Division will award the grants and provide a list of successful applicants to the Board.

R455-12-4. Reports and Deliverables
Latest version.

The grantee must submit complete computer files for the project in a format approved by the Division. The Division may verify the accuracy of the information prior to making final payment. In addition, a final report shall be completed by the grantee in a format designated by the Division. The report shall include a summary of the project, an accounting of matching share contributions, and a request for final payment.