R432-750-35. Pets in the Facility  

Latest version.
  • (1) A hospice may permit patients to keep household pets such as dogs, cats, birds, fish, and hamsters if permitted by local ordinances.

    (2) Pets must be clean and disease-free.

    (3) The pets' environment must be kept clean.

    (4) Small pets shall be kept in appropriate enclosures.

    (5) Pets that are not confined shall be under leash control, or voice control.

    (6) Pets that are kept at the facility shall have documented current vaccinations.

    (7) Upon approval of the administrator, family members may bring patients' pets to visit. Visiting pets must have current vaccinations.

    (8) Hospices with birds shall have procedures which prevent the transmission of psittacosis. Procedures shall ensure the minimum handling of droppings and placing of droppings into a closed plastic bag for disposal.

    (9) Pets are not permitted in food preparation, storage or central dining areas, or in any area where their presence would create a significant health or safety risk to others.