R432-750-28. Inpatient Hospice Patient's Rights  

Latest version.
  • (1) In addition to R432-750-11, the hospice shall honor each patient's rights as follows:

    (a) the right to exercise his/her rights as a patient of the facility and as a citizen or resident of the United States;

    (b) the right to be free of mental and physical abuse;

    (c) the right to be free of chemical and physical restraints for the purpose of discipline or staff convenience;

    (d) the right to have family members remain with the patient through the night;

    (e) the right to receive visitors at any hour, including small children;

    (f) the right for the family to have privacy after a patient's death;

    (g) the right to keep personal possessions and clothing as space permits;

    (h) the right to privacy during visits with family, friends, clergy, social workers, and advocacy representatives;

    (i) the right to send and receive mail unopened; and have access to telephones to make and receive confidential calls;

    (j) the right to have family or responsible person informed by the hospice of significant changes in the patient's condition or needs;

    (k) the right to participate in religious and social activities of the patient's choice;

    (l) the right to manage and control personal cash resources;

    (m) the right to receive palliative treatment rather than treatment aimed at intervention for the purpose of cure or prolongation of life;

    (n) the right to refuse nutrition, fluids, medications and treatments; and

    (o) the right to leave the facility at any time and not be locked into any room, building, or on the facility premises during the day or night; except that the hospice may lock doors at night for the protection of patients.

    (2) The hospice must post patient rights in a public area of the facility.

    (3) Restraints ordered to treat a medical condition must comply with the requirements of R432-150-14.