R432-750-2. Purpose  

Latest version.
  • A hospice program provides support and care for persons with a limited life expectancy so that they might live as fully and comfortably as possible.

    (1) A hospice program recognizes dying as a normal process resulting from disease or injury.

    (2) A hospice service neither hastens nor postpones death.

    (3) A hospice program exists in the hope and belief that, through appropriate care and the promotion of a caring community sensitive to their needs, patients and families may be free to attain a degree of mental and spiritual preparation for death that is satisfactory to them.

    (4) The hospice program is a health care agency or facility which offers palliative and supportive services providing physical, psychosocial, spiritual and bereavement care for dying persons and their families.

    (5) A hospice provides services through an interdisciplinary team of professionals and volunteers.

    (6) Hospice services are available in both the home and an inpatient setting.